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Integration of cephis and normami code into a single base. Tests will be slimmed down
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ami search fails to identify entities #62

Open EmanuelFaria opened 4 years ago

EmanuelFaria commented 4 years ago
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<results title="country">
 <result pre="of Medicine and Life 1844-122X 1844-3117 Carol Davila University Press" exact="Romania" post="pmcid: 4391421 JMedLife-07-56 : General Articles Thymus vulgaris essential"/>
 <result pre="Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine 119 Calea Aradului, RO-300645, Timisoara," exact="Romania" post="Mobile phone: 0040722632199, E-mail: ppub: 2014 7 Spec"/>
 <result pre="the thymol chemotype in agreement with those previously reported in" exact="Romania" post="[ 2 ]. The other components were present in"/>
 <result pre="by us is very different from that previously reported in" exact="Morocco" post="and Spain for the same species of thyme ["/>
 <result pre="is very different from that previously reported in Morocco and" exact="Spain" post="for the same species of thyme [ 11 ,"/>
 <result pre="[ 11 , 12 ]. Similar studies in Poland, Iran," exact="Spain" post="and Italy, respectively, reported as major compounds in the"/>
 <result pre="Oils from Two Species of Thymus Growing Wild in Southern" exact="Italy" post="Molecules 2009 14 11 4614 4624 19924089 2 Grigore"/>
 <result pre="of Thymus vulgaris L. from wild-growing and cultivated plants in" exact="Jordan" post="Flavour and Fragrance Journal 2007 22 4 322 327"/>
 <result pre="Oils Obtained from Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) Grown in Western" exact="Romania" post="Revista de Chimie (Bucharest) 2012 63 6 641 645"/>
 <result pre="Activity of Essential Oil of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) from Eastern" exact="Morocco" post="International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 2009 11 2"/>
 <result pre="Negro D Chemical characterisation of Thymus populations belonging from Southern" exact="Italy" post="Food Chemistry 2011 125 4 1284 1286 14 Pirbalouti"/>
 <result pre="antimicrobial activity of essential oils from aromatic plants used in" exact="Brazil" post="Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 2004 35 4 275 280"/>
 <result pre="antimicrobial activities of the essential oils from Vis. growing in" exact="Croatia" post="Food Chemistry 2006 96 1 20 28 19 Delgado"/>

We would have expected Iran and Poland to be identified.