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Force11 WG setup #39

Open mrchristian opened 4 years ago

mrchristian commented 4 years ago

I'm setting up the Force11 WG ready to make an announcement, either today or tomorrow, depending on how simple or complicated things get.

I'm going to follow how the Software Citation Principles WG have done things as they have been successful with their WGs and have experience running a couple. See:

Like them I will create an information WG repo, which seems like a good idea as document updates will get in the way of the software code repo. And of course I will do this over on the OCKProject area and move to Issue tracking there at some point.

mrchristian commented 4 years ago

I have the core text ready for the Force11 WG, it would be good if you could take a read through and edit, change as needed

I'll then need to chop the text up to use it for different location: