petermr / quantumchem

searching Open Access literature for quantum chemistry (inspiration Leonie Mueck)
Apache License 2.0
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create Code dictionary #3

Open petermr opened 5 years ago

petermr commented 5 years ago

create dictionary of computational codes using ami-dictionary

petermr commented 5 years ago

in toplevel directory (quantumchem) , which contains the project/s (qchem100) create dictionary:

cd quantumchem
ami-dictionary create --informat wikipage --input --dictionary program --directory dictionary --outformats xml,html

This created files

quantumchem pm286$ tree dictionary/
├── program.html
└── program.xml

program.html is browsable with links to Wikidata. program.xml will be used for searching

petermr commented 5 years ago

test program dictionary on qchem100 subset

ami-search -p qchem100/ --dictionary country funders dictionary/program.xml --oldstyle

uses builtin dictionaries country and funders and new dictionary program.xml. (The mandatory --oldstyle flag will disappear soon)

petermr commented 5 years ago

Results are in: (doesn't display on github; clone or download) will display co-occurrences

petermr commented 5 years ago

create basis set dictionary

The Wikipedia page ( does NOT have marked up basis sets, so PMR manually extracted some into dictionary/basisset.txt. To turn them into a dictionary (see TIGR2ESS tutorial)

cd dictionary
ami-dictionary --directory . --dictionary basisset --input basisset.txt --