peterolson / BigInteger.js

An arbitrary length integer library for Javascript
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Enhancement: bit test? #147

Closed gardhr closed 6 years ago

gardhr commented 6 years ago

I know we can test a bit like this:

function bit_test(value, bit)

Is there a more efficient way this could be done internally that might justify adding it to the API?

username1565 commented 6 years ago


` ` ` t e x t
Is there a more efficient way this could be done
` ` `

Each bit in shifted n_bits "value" in your function do logic AND with null recursivelly. So you can just do

shifted(value).mod(bigInt('2')).eq(bigInt('1')) //true for odd (last bit 1), and false for even (last bit 0)
//mod no need to do AND for each bit.

But mod function have so large code!.. And not effective to test many bits. So, I recommend you just to see the functions: .isEven()

    SmallInteger.prototype.isOdd = function () {
        return (this.value & 1) === 1;

and the function .isOdd() :

   BigInteger.prototype.isOdd = function () {
        return (this.value[0] & 1) === 1;

As you can see, in last function using this.value[0]; and this is faster to do AND.

For example:

var x = bigInt('41030010405074433410304979182411');
console.log(x.value[0]) //9182411 - only last 7 digits
///(x%2 === 9182411%2) && (x AND 1 === 9182411 AND 1) 

After this all:

function bit_test(value, bit)
        //check value and bit
    if(!bigInt.isInstance(value)){throw new Error("Function bit_test: value not a bigInteger");}
    if(typeof bit==='undefined'){var bit = 1;}
    if(!Number.isInteger(bit) && bigInt.isInstance(bit)){bit = bit.toJSNumber();}
    else if(!Number.isInteger(bit) && !bigInt.isInstance(bit)){throw new Error("Function bit_test: bit not a nubmer");} 

    return ((value.shiftRight(bit-1).value[0] || value.shiftRight(bit-1).value) & 1) //=== 1; //uncomment this if you need true or false

var test = bigInt.randBetween('1', '1e8'); //rand int
var bit_number = bigInt.randBetween(bigInt('1'), test.bitLength()); //rand bit

var test_bin = test.toString(2); //binary string
//show this bit
var bits_before_bit = test_bin.substring(0, test_bin.length-bit_number.toJSNumber());
var bit_in_string = test_bin.substring(test_bin.length-bit_number.toJSNumber(), test_bin.length-bit_number.toJSNumber()+1);
var bits_after_bit = test_bin.substring(test_bin.length-bit_number.toJSNumber()+1, test_bin.length);
//new string with big bit
var test_bin = bits_before_bit+'<big><b>'+bit_in_string+'</b></big>'+bits_after_bit;
var bit_test = bit_test(test, bit_number);

    ,'Generated test number: ', test.toString() //number
    ,'<br>test -> to bin: ', test_bin, ' (',test.bitLength().toString(), 'bits)' //bin string with bitlength
    ,'<br>'+bit_number.toString()+'-th bit value: ', bit_test//n-th bit
    ,'<br>(bit_test === parseInt(bit_in_string)): ', (bit_test === parseInt(bit_in_string))

In this function checking only last digits (value[0]) of shifted bigInteger, or .value (if value not an array and shifted biginteger is small). but this function do more checking before!.. If your parameters (value and bit) are good pre-formatted, you can do not using check functions, comment this and make check bit working more faster.

peterolson commented 6 years ago

I think it would be more efficient to use the isOdd or isEven functions, as pointed out above. I don't think this is a common enough need to warrant adding it into the library.

gardhr commented 6 years ago


Looks like my confusion ultimately stemmed from the fact that I really don't understand the magic behind your methods! This for example gave some pretty puzzling results (for the big integer test at least).

BigInt.prototype.testBit = function (index) {
    function test(value, index) {
        return ((value / (1 << index)) & 1) !== 0;
    if(this.value.length === undefined)
        return test(this.value, index);
    Maximum integer that can fit in a JS number is 2^53-1 so...
    var width = 53;
    var offset = Math.floor(index / width);
    return test(this.value[offset], index % width);

function verify(number) {
    var log = console.log;
    var result = "";
    var index = number.bitLength();
        result += number.testBit(index) ? "1" : "0"; 
    var control = number.toString(2);
    log("number: ", number.toString());
    log("control: ", control);    
    log("result:  ", result);    
    log("*** ", control == result ? "PASS" : "FAIL", " ***");

    Small integer passes
    True big integer fails

So in a nutshell an array element indexing scheme just isn't going to work here, correct?

And on a side note, can you point to any literature that might help explain to a simpleton like myself just how exactly your implementation actually works? It's quite a mystery to me!

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for putting together this awesome library. However it does work, the performance is quite impressive!


Thanks for the suggestion. I'll use something along those lines then.

peterolson commented 6 years ago

BigInt values are stored in a small-endian base 10000000 array.

username1565 commented 6 years ago

@gardhr to see bigInt structure, or array You can use


Also, working example - available here: This working for bigIntegers. There generated 1e128 random integer (10^128)

To copy this, just download BigInteger.js or _.min.js, create near this file, put this code to this page inside and open in browser.

You can scroll a long binary string to see bold value of test bit. Comparison included. Your example added there. See source code.

gardhr commented 6 years ago


Works great. Many thanks!