peterolson / BigInteger.js

An arbitrary length integer library for Javascript
The Unlicense
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Error in the versioning of the package updates #189

Closed jlobo closed 5 years ago

jlobo commented 5 years ago

Hello guys, first, thanks for the great work with the library, it’s really useful to me.

Secondly, I published a package on npm with big-integer as a dependency and it worked very well until someone told me it was falling. I realize that the bitLength() method used to return a number and now returns a BigInt and that breaks everything.

When I check, the version that is being installed now of the big-integer package is 1.6.44, and I was working with 1.6.36. then, the library changes the signature of the API but that is not reflected in the package version.

Keep that in mind for the next update guys.

peterolson commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the note. I'll go ahead and close this issue since there's not really any action that can be taken on it at this point.