peterolson / BigInteger.js

An arbitrary length integer library for Javascript
The Unlicense
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Issue with `isInstance` #241

Open hdoan741 opened 9 months ago

hdoan741 commented 9 months ago

I'm receiving a BigInteger value from snowflake-sdk & I need to convert it to JS Number or JS Big Int to serialize it correctly. When I try to use bigInt.isInstance(value), it always return false. Can you help me understand what's wrong?

// rows = snowflakeConn.execute({binds, sqlText})
// rows contains some BigInteger value 
// cellValue extracted from rows

import bigInt from 'big-integer'
bigInt.isInstance(cellValue) # false

# { cellValue: Integer { value: 159100n }, isBigInt: false }
# { cellValue: Integer { value: 159200n }, isBigInt: false }

I've also tried the following import & it didn't work either/

import * as bigInt from 'big-integer'

As far as I know, they creates bigInt value like this:

Currently, I'm using a workaround like this:

  return typeof value === 'object' && === 'Integer'

On a separate note, It would also be useful to have a toJSValue() that return the underlying value in JS type. toJSNumber is useful but it only works correctly for non-big-int numbers.

peterolson commented 9 months ago

Can you create a reproducible example of this issue? It's not clear to me where value is coming from.

ZLY201 commented 2 months ago

Please make sure the bigInt class you used is the same class because the isInstance function use instanceof to check.

The situation may be like this:

- node_modules
-- A
---- big-int
- big-int

So you import two different bigint class.