peterprib / node-red-contrib-kafka-manager

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Set process.env Kafka Broker #51

Closed safikka closed 2 years ago

safikka commented 2 years ago

Hello Prib,

Thanks for your contribution for the Kafka-manager package. I have a problem setting the host broker using process.env Previously, I didn't really understand Javascript and I was a beginner. Where should I put in settings.js? I've tried putting it outside of module.export, but on Node-RED a warning appears that it can't find process.env which I have set.

I’m eager to receive your feedback, thank you

peterprib commented 2 years ago

Its not clear of your expectation. Do I assume you want to set a shell variable for name and then consume such in the configuring of a node as that is the only way I can make sense of the use of "process.env". If so I haven't added this ability on many values however if I could readily implement if I thought sufficient demand. That is, allow a value to be set at node level, settings level or shell level. Can see this being useful for automated deployment.

safikka commented 2 years ago


How do I manually set the host using process.env as in the documentation? Where should I put the in settings.js?

peterprib commented 2 years ago

This is a shell value. see

Basically set the value before starting node-red in command processor or set in profile. Varies depending on where node.js is executed (linux, windows, ....). One can set in node.js shell and could be placed in setting,js as should be actioned thus consumable and they are process based,