petersasi / deluge2-win-build

A set of scripts to prepare and build Deluge2 and it's prerequisites for Windows
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Buildchain broken #1

Open james2432 opened 4 years ago

james2432 commented 4 years ago

When I run build menu, selecting the things I want it comes back with

The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.

when running gvsbuild manually:

E:\deluge2-win-build-master\gvsbuild-build>cd C:\gtk-build\github\gvsbuild

E:\deluge2-win-build-master\gvsbuild-build>patch -p1  0<"E:\deluge2-win-build-master\gvsbuild-build\gtk3.patch"
can't find file to patch at input line 4
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff -urN a/gvsbuild/ b/gvsbuild/
|--- a/gvsbuild/     2020-04-20 18:10:24.526745700 +0200
|+++ b/gvsbuild/     2020-04-29 14:55:19.453130500 +0200
File to patch:
Skip this patch? [y]

Seems to assume you are building on the C: drive as when I copied build menu there, it suddenly starts to work

petersasi commented 3 years ago

Hi, I did fix up the libtorrent 1.2 and 1.1 build scripts in the buld menu, but the rest seems to be correct, can you send more info on the the bug? Where are you running it, what exactly are you trying to do? For the second it seems it could not change directory to C:\gtk-build\github\gvsbuild that is why it can't find the file to patch,

  1. do you have it?
  2. What windows are you running on?
  3. Can you please include the complete output of the script running?
james2432 commented 3 years ago


Just downloaded the lastest version. Windows 10, 2004

It might be that python executable is blocked for execution and needs to be unblocked in a script like powershell

You can unblock in command prompt via:

streams -d filename command

james2432 commented 3 years ago

Found the issue:

rem for /f %%i in ('curl -s ^| grep "Latest: " ^| cut -d/ -f5 ^| cut -d" " -f2 ^| tr -d "<"') do set var2=%%i
set var2=3.8.5
curl -O
python-%var2%-amd64.exe /quiet InstallAllUsers=1 Include_test=0 InstallLauncherAllUsers=0 Include_launcher=0 TargetDir=C:\python

grep, cut, tr are not installed on windows.

james2432 commented 3 years ago


to windows path

Installed python 3.8.5 as the python installer never works to C:\python

libtorrent seems to fail on finding __init.py__ now...


Edit: made some changes to batch files(PR) that weren't setting variables(problem still exists)

Edit2: seemed to be a warning, the issue is that the destination folder didn't exist. Added code to create folder first in the PR. (may be a logic issue build order as if I input 1,3,5,6,8 it tried to build libtorrent before deluge which is what creates that structure)

libtorrent now builds, except that python is blocked from installing until you tell windows to unblock it manually(you may need script for that)

james2432 commented 3 years ago

During the installer:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\makensis" /DPROGRAM_VERSION=deluge-2.0.3:~7% /Dsrcdir=C:\deluge2\C:\deluge2\deluge-2.0.3---py3.8.5-osslAt-GTK+ C:\deluge2\nsis\packaging\win32\deluge-installer.nsi
Command line defined: "PROGRAM_VERSION=deluge-2.0.3:~7%"
Command line defined: "srcdir=C:\deluge2\C:\deluge2\deluge-2.0.3---py3.8.5-osslAt-GTK+"
Processing config: C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\nsisconf.nsh
Can't open script "C:\deluge2\nsis\packaging\win32\deluge-installer.nsi"
james2432 commented 3 years ago

Was able to finally build a working model from A-Z with the build-menu and the install pre-requisites by modifying the current batches. I've opened pull requests that fix missing files/patching files that point to the wrong location/generate file lists to install.

The only block is still that windows blocks the python executable that is downloaded and executed.