petersimonsson / libqatemcontrol

libqatemcontrol implements the protocol used to connect to BlackMagic ATEM switches.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
78 stars 28 forks source link

Livecode #13

Closed daelfer closed 9 years ago

daelfer commented 9 years ago

Is there any way of connecting and controling the ATEM with livecode?

petersimonsson commented 9 years ago

Hi, I have never used livecode but if it can interface with a c++ library you should be able to use the offical api on windows and mac at least... You could also write a livecode native lib of your own by using the protocol documentation available here:

daelfer commented 9 years ago

I wouldnt mind building a library in livecode of simple things if i knew exactly how to do that. Usually with livecode i open a socket to an IP address with port number to communicate with other devices then send commands to that socket. But im what protocols i should be sending from the shaarhoj document.