peterskeide / TimeFlux

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Show the expected working hours for a day #15

Closed hakonb closed 14 years ago

hakonb commented 14 years ago

Weekends, public hollidays, etc should show a reduced expected work hours.

Some days might be half working days (4 hours). Some days are repeated each year (Christmas eve) Some can be calculated (Easter) Some are one time events

hakonb commented 14 years ago

It gets more complicated. Some projects count lunch as working hours as in 8 hour days, while others should report 7.5 hours as a regular day.

The bonus based on worked hours should be fair regardless of reporting 7.5 or 8 hour days.

hakonb commented 14 years ago

In admins user report: weeks with too few hours reported should be marked

hakonb commented 14 years ago

Done. (Reporting not reporting lunch will have to be corrected by another activity)

Regular hours is now 7.5. (Should be a setting?)