petertodd / python-bitcoinlib

Python3 library providing an easy interface to the Bitcoin data structures and protocol.
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Bitcoind forces to register an address in order to be checked #214

Closed Moliholy closed 4 years ago

Moliholy commented 4 years ago

When using bitcoinilb's HDWallet implementation with bitcoind, I've realized that I was forced firstly register the addresses I was interested in, otherwise it'll return an error.

For the sake of completeness, here's the code:

def update() -> None:
        addresses = wallet.addresslist(account_id=0)
        registered_addresses = set(map(lambda a: a['address'],
                                       bitcoind_execute('listreceivedbyaddress', params=[0, True, True])))
        addresses_to_update = filter(lambda a: a not in registered_addresses, addresses)
        for address in addresses_to_update:
            bitcoind_execute('importaddress', params=[address, '', False])
       wallet.utxos_update(account_id=0, networks=[])

As you can see, if I wouldn't call the importaddress bitcoind method it wouldn't work. Furthermore, if I wouldn't call the listreceivedbyaddress method I'd be calling more times than needed to my bitcoind node. Is this the expected behaviour, or am I missing something?

Moliholy commented 4 years ago

My apologies, this issue should've been opened in, but they both have very similar names and I mixed them up.