git fetch then create && track all corresponding branches at remote branches
git flow prune
cleanup all branches which are deleted at remote
1,2, 3: After you published your feature/bugfix/release..., the following commits on this branch are possibly be pushed out, reversely, after tracked a branch, I may wish to pull commits. Using gitflow instead of raw git make me get rid of type branch name's prefix. I use alias gf = git feature = git flow feature
9: Only you are notified a new branch are pushed and the exact branch name are sent can you use git flow <branch> track <name> to create new branch locally and track them. New command git flow fetch fetch remote branches then do this create—track work automatically on git-flow branches.
4,5,6,7,8: Once you added remote repo, it is imperative set and track upstream(5,6) for future master branch && develop branch sync(7,8). 6 is the combination of 4 and 5. What if think about git flow add-remote [origin] [remote]?
10: Once remote git-flow branches are deleted, git flow prune fetch remote and detect if deletion happened on git-flow branches, if so, force delete the local && tracked branches.
For example:
git flow feature pull <feature name>
git pull origin feature/<feature name>
git flow feature pull --rebase <feature name>
git pull --rebase origin feature/<feature name>
git flow feature push <feature name>
git push origin feature/<feature name>
git flow master track
git push -u origin master
git flow develop track
git push -u origin develop
git flow track
git push -u origin master; git push -u origin develop
git flow master push
git push origin master
git flow develop push
git push origin develop
git flow fetch
git fetch
then create && track all corresponding branches at remote branchesgit flow prune
gf = git feature = git flow feature
git flow <branch> track <name>
to create new branch locally and track them. New commandgit flow fetch
fetch remote branches then do this create—track work automatically on git-flow branches.git flow add-remote [origin] [remote]
?git flow prune
fetch remote and detect if deletion happened on git-flow branches, if so, force delete the local && tracked branches.