I thought it might be helpful to create this request to track future API needs when petio is re-written.
Here's some data that I'd like to be able to extract out of Petio via a future API, so that I can generate reports and stats in grafana/influxdb/telegraf:
movie request count
tv request count
tv show requests, including tvdbid or equiv
movie requests, including imdb/themoviedbid or equiv
status of request (e.g. denied, approved, pending, available, in progress etc)
requested by, requested date (UTC probably or some way to know)
issues: for each: status, logged by, movie/show/episode ref, comment/explanation
reviews: author, score, type
servers: name, status (to be able to see if a server connection is down)
a way to get petio to test the current Plex connection and report success/fail
I don't have a current use, but others may have a use for:
users, user profiles, last login date, status (enabled/disabled)
a way to know what a user's quota is and if they've exceeded it or approaching it
I thought it might be helpful to create this request to track future API needs when petio is re-written.
Here's some data that I'd like to be able to extract out of Petio via a future API, so that I can generate reports and stats in grafana/influxdb/telegraf:
I don't have a current use, but others may have a use for: