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100% CPU load inside petio container while nothing happening and nobody connected #801

Open warlordattack opened 1 year ago

warlordattack commented 1 year ago

1/ Describe the bug 100% CPU load in the petio docker container while nobody connected and nothing happening See screenshots

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: On a synology ds918+ nas, inside docker, petio container always generating 100% cpu load while nobody is connected and nothing special happening

Expected behavior No CPU load if no cron working and no user connected

My docker compose : version: "3" services: srv_petio: user: ${PUID}:${PGID} container_name: ${C_PET} image: ${C_PET_IMG} restart: ${C_ALL_RESTART} volumes:

Image used : All my RRR stack uses Gluetun container as vpn/killswitch.

2/ An other thing : I tryed : user: ${PUID}:${PGID} and

3/ Sometimes my Plex become ureachable, i can reach it directly on the ip/port, but petio can not, i don't know why. In this situation when i open petio, the search tab displays instantly, but movies and shows tabs are stuck with infinite loading. Would be nice to load films and movies without blocking because of plex, then try to load data related to plex asynchronousli without blocking the page for users. When this happens i go to plex distant access page, i try the test button, first i have the green message (Plex totally awalable for external access) then 2 seconds later i have the red message (Plex unawalable outside local network). OK : found response to this one, because of external attacks i limited access to my country IP only in synology firewall, but my RRR stack uses vpn and other country, including petio. So when petio (firewalled via other country) tryed to reach plex (behind synology firewall, limited to one country), petio could not reach plex. So i changed the firewall rule to allow all countries to reach plex port only. Anything else is always IP limited to the main country source. After firewall rule update, i have always the two other problems 1/ and 2/.

Screenshots 2022-11-07_104531 2022-11-07_104815 2022-11-07_104942