petiteoh / Nommly

App Academy Full Stack Clone Project
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Design Doc Review, Part 1: MVP list #1

Open RosemaryGonzaga opened 4 years ago

RosemaryGonzaga commented 4 years ago

Hi Nikki, I love your app choice and name - it looks like it will be a fun app to clone with lots of cool features to work on. Kudos on the hard work you put into your design docs as well!

We'll meet 1:1 today to 1) go over any questions you have about my feedback or the fullstack workflow, 2) iron out the MVP list, 3) discuss any suggested prep for over the weekend.

Below are my comments on your MVP list. I'll be sure to provide more detailed feedback on the rest of your design documents during our meeting and also in written form by tomorrow morning.

Wiki Page Home


MVP List


petiteoh commented 4 years ago

Hi Rosemary! Thank you for the feedback it's super thorough!

I understand you recommend having 4 MVPS on: Recipe, Favorites, Search, and a Browse Feed in addition to the 3 standard ones. However I am having some difficulties dissecting them.

  1. Recipes will require a comment and a yumm feature is that considered an additional feature? I removed Tag as originally I had them all in one but have now moved Tags to the Bonus portion.

  2. Favorites would need to be hosted on a users profile. Would that also include the Profile feature as a standalone MVP?

  3. Browse feed I believe will come with search and recipes.

Let me know what you think about how I recompartmentalized the MVPs above. And any suggestions / feedback is SUPER welcome and needed. Thank you!