petkopara / PetkoparaCrudGeneratorBundle

Symfony3 CRUD generator bundle with pagination, filter, bulk actions and Twitter bootstrap 3.3.6 features.
MIT License
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Add i18n support #31

Open yosbelms opened 7 years ago

yosbelms commented 7 years ago

Should be good to have all texts separated in a .yaml file for easy translation.

ahmed-bhs commented 7 years ago

guys can someone help me , to made a translation from en to fr ?

petkopara commented 7 years ago

By translation you mean actual language translations or code implementation for the feature?

ahmed-bhs commented 7 years ago

i want to build a multi platform luangage the problém that i didnt get a way to translate these message(exmple: Next ,Previous,Filter,DElete,New...) using symfony transaltor component. i alreday have this file : app\Ressources\Translations\

Groups: Groups
View user:                       Voir l'utilisateur
"%entity% creation":             "Création - %entity%"
"%entity% edit":                 "Modification - %entity%"
"%entity% list":                 "Liste - %entity%"
Actions:                         Actions
Back to the list:                Retour à la liste
Confirm delete:                  Confirmer la suppression
Create:                          Créer
Create a new entry:              Nouveau
Delete:                          Supprimer
"Do you want to proceed?":       "Voulez-vous poursuivre?"
Edit:                            Modifier
Filter:                          Filtrer
No:                              Non
Reset filters:                   Annuler les filtres
show:                            voir
"Show/hide filters":             "Afficher/masquer les filtres"
this procedure is irreversible:  cette procédure est irréversible
Yes:                             Oui
You are about to delete an item: Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer un élément
New:                             ajouter un nv
previous: Précédent
next: Suivant
Delete : Effacer
First login : Première connexion
adzd: zeffffffffffffffffff
users was deleted successfully!: Utilisateurs a été supprimé avec succès!
List: Liste
Save: Enregistre
Save and Add: Enregistre et ajouter un nouveau
Reset: Réinitialiser
User: Les Utilisateurs
Are you sure !: Êtes-vous sûr !
The User was deleted successfully: L'utilisateur a été supprimé avec succès
Back to list: Retourner à La Liste
Login count: Nombre de connexions

but nothing work when i set local to fr

mchojrin commented 7 years ago


ahmed-bhs commented 7 years ago

@petkopara any help plz , any idea

TonyGao commented 6 years ago

I got the same problem at the head of table

<th>{{macros.th_sortable('code',app.request.get('pcg_sort_col'), app.request.get('pcg_sort_order') , 'buyingplanitem') }}</th>

As you see, if I change the head name of table, the sort will not work. And I found th_sortable could add translation filter to add translation like this


But it must be change vendor code and can't add translation label for it.