EmmaClient is a client-server system for publishing liveresults from Orienteering events. It have been used on many major events such as JWOC, WOC, EOC,..
The NC –flag (not counted in results) is not in the OE-export –file, so this is of course not handled.
But I think Emma could handle this also by using ‘Place’ –column and ‘Classifier’ –column. When ‘Place’ –column is empty, but the leg is ok (‘Classifier’ is 0), this means that this runner/leg (whole team) should not be counted in results)?
NC –flag for team is used when the team is outside competition, to be shown at the bottom of results. We use this on our relays for team which is for example composed from runners from different clubs.
The NC –flag (not counted in results) is not in the OE-export –file, so this is of course not handled.
But I think Emma could handle this also by using ‘Place’ –column and ‘Classifier’ –column. When ‘Place’ –column is empty, but the leg is ok (‘Classifier’ is 0), this means that this runner/leg (whole team) should not be counted in results)?