petoju / terraform-provider-mysql

Terraform MySQL provider – unofficial fork
Mozilla Public License 2.0
63 stars 40 forks source link

Unable to grant proxy privilege using mysql provider. #95

Open maver1ck opened 7 months ago

maver1ck commented 7 months ago

Terraform Version

Terraform v1.5.7

Affected Resource(s)


Terraform Configuration Files

resource "mysql_user" "pUser1" {
  user = "pUser1"
  host = "%"
  plaintext_password = "xxx"

resource "mysql_user" "proxy" {
  user = "proxy"
  host = "%"
  auth_plugin = "authentication_oci"
  auth_string_hashed = "{\"tenancy\": \"\",\"group_mapping\": {\"\": \"pUser1\"}}"

resource "mysql_grant" "proxy_pUser1" {
  user = mysql_user.proxy.user
  host =
  privileges = ["PROXY"]
  database = mysql_user.pUser1.user
  table =  ""

Debug Output

│ Error: Error running SQL (GRANT PROXY ON `pUser1`.* TO 'proxy'@'%'): Error 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.* TO 'proxy'@'%'' at line 1

Expected Behavior

We should be able to add PROXY privilege to the user.

Actual Behavior

Error appears.


petoju commented 7 months ago

@maver1ck can you run that command using CLI outside this provider? How does the correct MySQL call look like?

Knowing this could make it easier to fix it - I don't see any clear indication of what's wrong.

maver1ck commented 7 months ago

Correct SQL looks like this GRANT PROXY ON 'pUser1'@'%' TO 'proxy'@'%'"

maver1ck commented 7 months ago

PS. This is working terraform script where I used mysql_sql resource

terraform {
  required_providers {
    mysql = {
      source = "petoju/mysql"
      version = "3.0.43"

provider "mysql" {
  endpoint = "localhost:3308"
  username = "admin"
  password = "xxx!"

# Create a Database
resource "mysql_database" "test" {
  name = "test_123"

resource "mysql_user" "pUser1" {
  user = "pUser1"
  host = "%"
  plaintext_password = "xxx!"

resource "mysql_user" "proxy" {
  user = ""
  host = "%"
  auth_plugin = "authentication_oci"
  auth_string_hashed = "{\"tenancy\": \"\",\"group_mapping\": {\"\": \"pUser1\"}}"

resource "mysql_grant" "test_pUser1" {
  user = mysql_user.pUser1.user
  host =
  privileges = ["ALL"]
  database =

resource "mysql_sql" "test" {
  name = "test"
  create_sql = "GRANT PROXY ON '${mysql_user.pUser1.user}'@'${}' TO '${mysql_user.proxy.user}'@'${}'"
  delete_sql = "SELECT 1"