Closed miurahr closed 11 months ago
Reproduce procedure:
java {
toolchain {
languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(11)
vendor = JvmVendorSpec.ADOPTIUM
tasks.jpackage {
dependsOn jars
input = file(layout.buildDirectory.file('jars'))
destination = file(layout.buildDirectory.file("jpackage/app-image"))
appName = application.applicationName
vendor = distAppVendor
appDescription = distDescription
mainJar = omegatJarFilename
mainClass = "org.omegat.Main"
javaOptions = ["-Xmx1024M", "--add-opens", "java.desktop/sun.awt.X11=ALL-UNNAMED"]
type = 'app-image'
group 'other'
JDK: Temurin OpenJDK 17.0.9+9 OS: Linux Mint 21.2
Toolchain is supposed to provide all tools including jpackage. Example above shows suspicious case when everything is compiled by one JDK and jpackage is taken from another JDK. The warning seems perfectly valid to me. If this is intentional then the warning can be ignored.
leaves warning even when it find ajpackage
command. It is better to remember warnings in search process, then when not found all the places, the task outputs all warnings. Otherwise default log level