petrSchreiber / BetweenTheBubbles-tb

Bugs adventure in an infinite bubbleverse, thinBasic game
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Graphics: Stylization #47

Open petrSchreiber opened 4 years ago

petrSchreiber commented 4 years ago

Hi Sebastian,

this thread can help us discuss better the visual stylization of the game. Thanks to big help from my girlfriend, we have a first mockup of the "realistic" style.

Please, let me know if you would like to add some elements to it, once we agree on fact it is +/- representing possible gameplay screenshot, a stylized version will be done.

I have some concerns and ideas about the realistic one, but I am curious to hear about your inputs first.

petrSchreiber commented 4 years ago


DirectuX commented 4 years ago

I have some concerns and ideas about the realistic one, but I am curious to hear about your inputs first.


Thanks to big help from my girlfriend, we have a first mockup of the "realistic" style.

Thanks too 🙏

Please, let me know if you would like to add some elements to it, once we agree on fact it is +/- representing possible gameplay screenshot, a stylized version will be done.

First I want to say that I still don't have a clear idea of the in-game view / FoV / viewpoint. i.e. is the camera fixed ? You talked about zooming too.

I understand here that you want a sample of each object class to see differences between styles in future mockups; the mockup could be overloaded but I think it's ok, isn't it ?

What I can already think of :

I can foresee a bit of bank at the upper left angle of the mockup. (see also picture in issue #33) ; with maybe a go-over-the-water leaf ?

I can foresee both stone and branch as these are very different in look, all the more if the same picture will undergo different stylizing process.

Please, feel free to ask clarification on any point.

petrSchreiber commented 4 years ago


my apologies for delay in reply - very intensive week. My apologies ahead I am reacting slowly and per partes. I am super hyped for Between the Bubbles, just need to handle properly workload to prepare more and more time for the Pilgrim :)

All your input will be incorporated (step by step), to the next iterations, coming soon 👍 Already discussed it with our mockup helper - Evža.

DirectuX commented 4 years ago

No worries, Petr, I understand. By the time I already started rewriting Cornelius, now Jack.

DirectuX commented 4 years ago

All your input will be incorporated (step by step), to the next iterations, coming soon.

You did say you have concerns, about the realistic styling. Do you want to share them ? If we agree at the moment, it'll could spare time we can, for sure, redirect on another idea.

DirectuX commented 4 years ago

I can see the game as mostly working in 2D (and flipped 2D), but with some 3D objects - will visualize

Thank you, visualization is the Key !

petrSchreiber commented 4 years ago

Hi Sebastian,

my concerns regarding realistic style are:

These are not blockers, but... a list of possible challenges :)

For example - hard to distinguish elements can be addressed by highlights, depth of field, ...