petrSchreiber / BetweenTheBubbles-tb

Bugs adventure in an infinite bubbleverse, thinBasic game
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Gameplay: Awaiting foes #50

Open DirectuX opened 4 years ago

DirectuX commented 4 years ago

Keywords: apprehension, anticipation.

As the Player progresses into the game, he will meet new foes. Typically, new level means new type of foe, or at least new foe look, maybe new foe behaviour. This coincides with discovering the new ambiance.

I would like to propose another approach were new foe is discovered sparingly a little ahead from the new world. (Think Gaussian distribution, those 2% at extremes could be foes that explore previous & next level). This would build the atmosphere of anticipation for the next level.

Equally, at day, dark places (under a bridge, under a wooden jetty, under thick vegetation) could show some lost 'night creatures' , again in anticipation of underground 'caves levels', or night time were much more of these creatures can be met. (Shiver effect)

petrSchreiber commented 4 years ago


my apologies for late reply - the appearance of the creatures of the night in shady places is excellent.

Do you like the approach like in the newer Doom games, when new foe is shown just for a moment - like "passing through", without chance to interact? And, then, later, it appears in full interaction?

DirectuX commented 4 years ago

Sorry , I don't know the new Doom, just the first old in the series. I can understand it is another/parallel way of implementing anticipation . The concept is pleasant. I visualize a foe lurking in grass, then moving further. I think, if accepted, it should not be the sole way for playing with the atmosphere otherwise it could be boring, even frustrating.

Could be also: 2 different foes fighting each other (no way to interact either) foe skeleton (ideal for big foe maybe with big teeth :t-rex: ) unfocused foe creeping in the foreground

petrSchreiber commented 4 years ago


the way Doom built the anticipation is getting a repetitive later. Having more variety would be definitely a big plus.