petrasvestartas / compas_wood

Project for Timber Joint Generation. Documentation:
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Solver is not working in example file #15

Open juliusayz999 opened 1 week ago

juliusayz999 commented 1 week ago

Solver throws the error 1. Error begin run: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write' [16:1]


petrasvestartas commented 1 week ago

Can you provide further details shat you did? Did you follow the installation video from food4rhino and first added install component? Which Rhino version?

juliusayz999 commented 1 week ago

Yes I followed the installation video from food4rhino. The example files 1-6 worked without issues. But I faced this error with the solver component when I opened up example file 7.

I am currently using version 8.8