petrolpark / Destroy

A chemistry-themed add-on to the Minecraft mod, Create
82 stars 33 forks source link

stuff, like, in general (good stuff) #418

Open Phosgenick opened 3 weeks ago

Phosgenick commented 3 weeks ago


Some general chemical suggestions to increase the addon deapth (not going head first into GregTech style tho).


Can also decompose alkali metal carbonates into their oxides.

Wood can suffer destructive distillation into CH4, CH3OH, H2, N2, CO, CO2, CH3COOH and charcoal.

Destructive distillation of waste polymers can generate hydrocarbons and tar.

The current mechanic of a vat only working based on energy instead of temperature itself isn´t so good in my opinion, and more attention should be brought to temperature sensitible reactions.

Oxides, such as calcium oxide, could react with water, making hydroxides without the need of electrolysis, an earlier way of obtaining bases without having to make and recycle loads of mercury.

Alumina could be melted with impurities, like chromium, making ruby and other gemstones.

Amethyst made from silica ( which could also be made by heating sand with sodium hydroxide in the high temperature vat followed by acidification, precipitating silica gel, followed by calcination into silica). Controling with impurities and their levels could determine the resulting gemstone.

Carbothermal reactions being used to reduce metal oxides into the metal.

Reacting bone meal with sand and coal could make calcium silicate, carbon dioxide and white phosphorus. Phosphorus chemistry, yay! Phosphoric acid, phosphorus pentoxide (for dehydration reactions), phosphorus halides, phosphine and hypophosphorous acid could be many of the phosphorus compounds added to the addon.

Calcium carbonate or oxide can react with coal, making carbon monoxide, dioxide and calcium carbide.

Melting of alumina and silica, previously mentined.

The electrodes with degrade overtime and will need to be replaced, specially if there is oxygen inside. Water vapor can be added to the arc furnace, making water gas, a mixture of CO and H2, also quickly deteriorating the electrodes.

Coke (made from the cracking of hydrocarbons in the pyroliser in the presence of either zeolites or water vapor, also generating smaller hydrocarbons), can be loaded in, generating synthetic graphite and hydrogen or other smaller hydrocarbons.

_ More metals: More transition metals means more colorful chemistry, way more catalysts and more cancer and deseases.

Lead and lead dioxide sheets spouted with sulfuric acid can be made into a lead acid battery for god knows what reason.

Cobalt octoate as a catalyst to oxidize toluene into benzoic acid with oxygen.

Copper chromite as a decarboxylation and hydrogenolysis catalyst.

Silver catalyst in the ethylene oxitation into ethylene oxide.

Vanadium pentoxide as a catalyst for sulfur trioxide production.

Mercury II and sulphuric acid as catalysts in the hydrolisis of acetylene into acetaldehyde.

Copper halide in the Sandmeyer reaction.

Magnesium and ether in the grignard reaction.

Sodium metal, made by sodium amalgam destilation, used in al sorts reactions, like the wurtz reaction of in the synthesis of alkoxides.

All these metals would have to either be mined or extracted from other ores or types of stones, found in the overworld or the nether.

Potassium manganate made by heating potassium hydroxide and manganese dioxide in the presence of air in the vat. The manganese dioxide used is made from the electrolysis of manganese sulphate in sulphuric acid solution. Another way if the thermal decomposition of the nitrate to NO2 in the pyroliser. The manganate is oxidized to permanganate with chlorine or electrolysis.

Cryolite can either be made or mined, and melted with aluminum oxide, can produce aluminum meltal by electrolysis, useful for thermites or other reactions.

Salt electrolysis without mercury as a cathode generate and graphite anode generate chlorates, useful oxidizing agents either for fireworks or "synthetic" gunpowder. Can also be melted with potassium hydroxide and manganese dioxide to produce potassium manganate, which is further oxidized into potassium permanganate.

Electrolysis of water with terracota (or even better, asbestos) inside a vat between the electrodes as a diaphragm could generate chlorine, hydrogen and sodium hydroxide directly without the need to drain the amalgam into another vat.

The reactions can chance depending which material is the electrode made of. The electrolysis of alkalis with transition metal anodes generate the respective metal hydroxide or oxide and hydrogen instead of the alkali hydroxide and chlorine.

Chromium III oxide - Green dye: Sulfur reaction with alkali chromate, making chromium III Oxide and alkali sulphate Roasting of chromium iii sulphide Thermite Precipitation of chromium III solution with hydroxide or carbonate, followed by calcination in the pyroliser

Cadmium II Sulphide or Lead II Chromate - Yellow dye: CdS Made by reacting Cadmium metal with sulfur or cadmium solution with hydrogen sulfide PbCrO4 Made by reaction of lead solution with chromate

Paris Green - Lime dye: Made by reacting copper acetate with arsenic trioxide

Prussian blue - Blue dye

Iron III Oxide and Cinnabar - Red dye

Other pigments colors can be added, but the compounds depend on what chemicals are added to Destroy

Hope my english is good enough

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petrolpark commented 2 weeks ago

Please put suggestions in separate submissions, not all in one!! Don't worry about adding one million posts all at once! For this one, don't worry about it.

I'll do a breakdown soon.

Phosgenick commented 2 weeks ago

sorry, i got a bit carried away...