petruisfan / node-supervisor

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why my node-supervisor doesn't work #214

Open coderzzp opened 6 years ago

coderzzp commented 6 years ago

i want to setupo a static server IM running my server in shell like this

$ supervisor  server.js

Running node-supervisor with
  program 'server.js'
  --watch '.'
  --extensions 'node,js'
  --exec 'node'

Starting child process with 'node server.js'
Watching directory 'E:\frontDev\three' for changes.

but when i change the file in 'E:\frontDev\three\index.html',the shell doesn't upadate .only when i changed 'E:\frontDev\three\server.js' ,the shell show like this

crashing child
Starting child process with 'node server.js'

thanks for you reply