petyasoft / Blum

soft for @BlumCryptoBot
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Error. To solve this problem? #3

Open Sanchozuy opened 4 weeks ago

Sanchozuy commented 4 weeks ago


18:25:38.76 | ERROR | main | Thread 1 | 0, message='Attempt to decode JSON with unexpected mimetype: text/html', url=URL('')

mesteruh commented 4 weeks ago

There are problems on blum service

Sanchozuy commented 4 weeks ago

What should I do? Stupidly waiting?

petyasoft commented 4 weeks ago

yes, i fix it in next update, but fix will only affect the fact that i disable the output this error

Maryoux commented 4 weeks ago

It happens because the request to server didn't return with the expected result. So it's just fine, since the script will just try to request it again.