peviitor-ro / search-engine

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Test search with single keyword in different case (Uppercase/Lowercase) #656

Open AdelinaGuliman opened 1 month ago

AdelinaGuliman commented 1 month ago

Description Uppercase and lowercase letters are allowed and return relevant results

Precondition The website is up and running

IMOPRTANT Test with multiple capitalized keywords

AdelinaGuliman commented 1 month ago

Step 1 Type "COFETAR" in the serch bar

Expected result The keyword appears in the search bar

AdelinaGuliman commented 1 month ago

Step 2 Click on "Cauta" button

Expected result All jobs matching the keyword "Cofetar" appears in the results page

AdelinaGuliman commented 1 month ago

Step 3 Click on "pe viitor" button

Expected result The home page of "pe viitor" search engine opens

AdelinaGuliman commented 1 month ago

Step 4 Type "cofetar" in the serch bar

Expected result The keyword appears in the search bar

AdelinaGuliman commented 1 month ago

Step 5 Click on "Cauta" button

Expected result All jobs matching the keyword "Cofetar" appears in the results page