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Auto-Suggestions for single keyword ( missing functionality - cannot be executed ) #721

Open AdelinaGuliman opened 2 months ago

AdelinaGuliman commented 2 months ago

Description: The job search engine provides accurate and relevant auto-suggestions when a single keyword is entered into the search bar.

Precondition: The website is up and running.

AdelinaGuliman commented 2 months ago

Step 1 Start typing the keyword "Ingi" into the search bar

Expected result Auto-suggestions update in real-time with each character entered.

AdelinaGuliman commented 2 months ago

Step 2 Type the keyword "Inginer" into the search bar

Expected result Relevant auto-suggestions appear as the user types the keyword "Inginer."

AdelinaGuliman commented 2 months ago

Step 3 As each character of the keyword "Inginer" is typed, observe the auto-suggestions that appear below the search bar.

Expected result Auto-suggestions appear promptly without significant delay.

AdelinaGuliman commented 2 months ago

Step 4 Select an automatic suggestion

Expected result Selecting an auto-suggestion initiates a search and displays relevant search results.