pex-gl / pex-context

Modern WebGL state wrapper for PEX: allocate GPU resources (textures, buffers), setup state pipelines and passes, and combine them into commands.
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Add support for compressed texture #100

Closed dmnsgn closed 2 years ago

dmnsgn commented 3 years ago


vorg commented 3 years ago

Allow texture internalFormat/type as props


From my understanding when using gl.compressedTexImage2D the internalFormat replaces format and type as type is always binary blob. This way you could say pixelFormat is the internalFormat and just have:

const TextureFormat = {
  RGBA8UI: [gl.RGBA_INTEGER, DataType.Uint8],

But maybe it's not worth the effort because you would need to somehow map from magic int in ktx2 or gltf matching COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM_EXT to COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM (without _EXT) in order for it to work.

Now that i think more about it. Those constants still have to be defined somewhere... texture loader? What about the fact that some of them are _EXT in WebGL1 but in core in WebGL2?

Is it okay to fallback to accepted data types in ctx.TextureFormat eg. in case gl.HALF_FLOAT is undefined

That very much depends on use case. If for render targets where you wanna save on your big RGBA32F memory usage and opt-in for RGBA16F it would be fine. But single channel textures? I'm still confused though. How does one uses e.g. R16F? MDN says there are not color renderable and last time i have checked there was no way to upload Half Float data in WebGL1.

Any code using ctx.PixelFormat.R32F should be updated to: ctx.texture2D({ pixelFormat: ctx.PixelFormat.Alpha, type: ctx.DataType.Float32 })

Because it's not compatible with WebGL2 usage of gl.RED? Shouldn't that be handled internally?

R32F: [isWebGL2 ? gl.RED : gl.ALPHA, DataType.Float32],

Also it seems there is typo and ctx.PixelFormat.Alpha should be

Depth, Depth16, Depth24 are just so our code doesn't break right? As you suggest we use WebGL2 style uppercase for everything?

Do we need support for compressed texture for cubemaps?

Definitely now now. I haven't used cubemap texture for like 5 years outside of render targets. It could be useful in webgl2 once seameless cubemaps are supported are we implement some of the glTF extensions for IBL which i think use cubemaps.

What are those? WebGL1 vs WebGL2 mappings?

Will those more exotic formats be null in WebGL1?

Should i do those comments in commits not here? So they can be answered inline?