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All software for the Pufferfish ventilator.
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Unit test for Util #425

Closed raavilagoo closed 2 years ago

raavilagoo commented 2 years ago

1.EnumMap 2.EnumSet 3.OrderedMap 4.RingBuffer

ethanjli commented 2 years ago

Example of the overall structure for RingBuffer tests

newest: ^
oldest: *
Scenario (non-volatile ringbuffer)
Given a ringbuffer with capacity 5 to which 4 bytes of data were pushed and then 3 bytes of data was popped
// internal state should look like [] [] [*a] [^b] []
    When: pop
        // then internal state should look like [] [] [] [*^b] []
        Then: (peeks)
    When: push
        // then internal state should look like [] [] [] [*b] [^c]
Given: (... for [] [] [o] [] [n])
    When: pop
        Then: (... for [] [] [] [o] [n])

Scenario (volatile ringbuffer)
Given a volatile ringbuffer...
raavilagoo commented 2 years ago

Hi @ethanjli , I wanted some clarification with respect to constructing a vector with initializer list , I have declared vector as this, PF::Util::Containers::Vector<uint8_t, 4> vector1{10, 20, 30}. If I check the values at every index, I get 0. Could you elaborate on this? Similarly with EnumMap, OrderedMap and EnumSet.

ethanjli commented 2 years ago

I tried declaring some container instances at the top of the main function in main.cpp and inspecting them with the STM32 debugger. Here are my results

By removing the size_(init.size()) member initialization from the Vector(std::initializer_list<Element> init) constructor, I was able to fix the bug and get the correct result for PF::Util::Containers::Vector<uint8_t, 5> vec{0, 1, 2, 3, 4};. Can you include this fix into this PR?

Also, we should make sure that you will have easy access to an STM32H743 Nucleo board so that you'll be able to upload the firmware with some test code added to the top of the main function, just to be able to take advantage of the debugger for troubleshooting these kinds of issues in lower-level code even without a fully working ventilator setup. @renjipanicker Is this already possible / how easy would it be to make this possible, so that both Rohan and Raavi have easy access to Nucleo boards for troubleshooting software-only issues using the STM32Cube IDE's debugger?

raavilagoo commented 2 years ago

Hi @ethanjli, this is ready for review.

raavilagoo commented 2 years ago

@ethanjli This is ready for review.

ethanjli commented 2 years ago

I believe there are a total of 25 cases to cover for a RingBuffer with buffer_size == 5 (i.e. a capacity of 4 elements).


There are four types of "cells"/elements in the list of cases:

So a RingBuffer with template parameter buffer_size can store a maximum of buffer_size - 1 elements. In either this PR or a separate one, we should consider changing the buffer_size template parameter to a capacity template parameter, where buffer_size == capacity + 1; to be clear, "capacity" means "the maximum number of elements we can actually store in the container". This would be more consistent with our other containers, which all use capacity as the template parameter whenever buffer_size != capacity.


Group 0: oldest_index_ == 0
[* ^] [   ] [   ] [   ] [   ]: newest_index == 0
[*1 ] [  ^] [   ] [   ] [   ]: newest_index == 1
[*1 ] [ 2 ] [  ^] [   ] [   ]: newest_index == 2
[*1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [  ^] [   ]: newest_index == 3
[*1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [  ^]: newest_index == 4
Group 1: oldest_index_ == 1
[   ] [* ^] [   ] [   ] [   ]: newest_index == 1
[   ] [*1 ] [  ^] [   ] [   ]: newest_index == 2
[   ] [*1 ] [ 2 ] [  ^] [   ]: newest_index == 3
[   ] [*1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [  ^]: newest_index == 4
[  ^] [*1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ]: newest_index == 0
Group 2: oldest_index_ == 2
[   ] [   ] [* ^] [   ] [   ]: newest_index == 2
[   ] [   ] [*1 ] [  ^] [   ]: newest_index == 3
[   ] [   ] [*1 ] [ 2 ] [  ^]: newest_index == 4
[  ^] [   ] [*1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]: newest_index == 0
[ 4 ] [  ^] [*1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]: newest_index == 1
Group 3: oldest_index_ == 3
[   ] [   ] [   ] [* ^] [   ]: newest_index == 3
[   ] [   ] [   ] [*1 ] [  ^]: newest_index == 4
[  ^] [   ] [   ] [*1 ] [ 2 ]: newest_index == 0
[ 3 ] [  ^] [   ] [*1 ] [ 2 ]: newest_index == 1
[ 3 ] [ 4 ] [  ^] [*1 ] [ 2 ]: newest_index == 2
Group 4: oldest_index_ == 4
[   ] [   ] [   ] [   ] [* ^]: newest_index == 4
[  ^] [   ] [   ] [   ] [*1 ]: newest_index == 0
[ 2 ] [  ^] [   ] [   ] [*1 ]: newest_index == 1
[ 2 ] [ 3 ] [  ^] [   ] [*1 ]: newest_index == 2
[ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [  ^] [*1 ]: newest_index == 3

This way of listing cases might make it easier to organize the test code: first you set up the empty ring buffer with oldest_index initialized to the correct location from 0 to 4 (by repeatedly pushing and popping an element n times, where n ranges from 0 to 4), and then you simply push between 0 and 4 elements into the ring buffer. This should initialize your GIVEN.

If there's any possible way we can unify some of the test code into reusable, parameterized functions (e.g. making functions consisting of REQUIRE assertions, and then each THEN calls a function with a parameter; and/or making a function to create an empty ring buffer with oldest_index initialized to the desired value; and/or making a function to create any one of our 25 initial states for the ring buffer; and/or making a function to push some specified number of elements; etc.), we should do that for maintainability.

raavilagoo commented 2 years ago

For records-keeping:

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