Open pfan123 opened 6 years ago
🎨 :art: Improving structure / format of the code. 改进目录或代码结构 / 格式化代码
⚡️ :zap: Improving performance. 提升性能
🔥 :fire: Removing code or files. 移除代码或文件
🐛 :bug: Fixing a bug. 修复 bug
🚑 :ambulance: Critical hotfix. 紧急修复
✨ :sparkles: Introducing new features. 新 feature
📝 :memo: Writing docs. 书写文档
🚀 :rocket: Deploying stuff. 部署相关
💄 :lipstick: Updating the UI and style files. 更新 UI 和 样式文件
🎉 :tada: Initial commit. 首次提交
✅ :white_check_mark: Adding tests. 新增测试用例
🔒 :lock: Fixing security issues. 修复安全性问题
🍎 :apple: Fixing something on macOS. 修复 macOS 平台上的缺陷
🐧 :penguin: Fixing something on Linux. 修复 Linux 平台上的缺陷
🏁 :checkered_flag: Fixing something on Windows. 修复 Windows 平台上的缺陷
🤖 :robot: Fixing something on Android. 修复 Android 上的缺陷
🍏 :green_apple: Fixing something on iOS. 修复 iOS 上的缺陷
🔖 :bookmark: Releasing / Version tags. 发布 / 给代码打版本化的 tag
🚨 :rotating_light: Removing linter warnings. 移除 linter 的警告
🚧 :construction: Work in progress. 开发进行时
💚 :green_heart: Fixing CI Build. 修复 CI 问题
⬇️ :arrow_down: Downgrading dependencies. 降级依赖版本
⬆️ :arrow_up: Upgrading dependencies. 升级依赖版本
📌 :pushpin: Pinning dependencies to specific versions. 锁死依赖版本
👷 :construction_worker: Adding CI build system. 添加 CI
📈 :chart_with_upwards_trend: Adding analytics or tracking code. 添加分析或埋点代码
♻️ :recycle: Refactoring code. 代码重构
➖ :heavy_minus_sign: Removing a dependency. 移除依赖
🐳 :whale: Work about Docker. Docker 相关事由
➕ :heavy_plus_sign: Adding a dependency. 添加一个依赖
🔧 :wrench: Changing configuration files. 修改一个配置文件
🌐 :globe_with_meridians: Internationalization and localization. 国际化和本地化
✏️ :pencil2: Fixing typos. 修正拼写错误
💩 :hankey: Writing bad code that needs to be improved. 需要改进的代码,先上后续再重构
⏪ :rewind: Reverting changes. 回滚变更
🔀 :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merging branches. 分支合并
📦 :package: Updating compiled files or packages. 更新打包后的文件或者包
👽 :alien: Updating code due to external API changes. 外部依赖 API 变更导致的代码变更
🚚 :truck: Moving or renaming files. 移动或重命名文件
📄 :page_facing_up: Adding or updating license. 添加或者更新许可
💥 :boom: Introducing breaking changes. 不兼容变更
🍱 :bento: Adding or updating assets. 新增或更新 assets 资源
👌 :ok_hand: Updating code due to code review changes. 更新由 CR 引起的代码变更
♿️ :wheelchair: Improving accessibility. 提升无障碍体验
💡 :bulb: Documenting source code. 书写源码文档
🍻 :beers: Writing code drunkenly.
💬 :speech_balloon: Updating text and literals. 更新文案以及字面量
🗃 :card_file_box: Performing database related changes. 执行数据库相关变更
🔊 :loud_sound: Adding logs. 增加日志
🔇 :mute: Removing logs. 移除日志
👥 :busts_in_silhouette: Adding contributor(s). 新增贡献者
🚸 :children_crossing: Improving user experience / usability. 提升用户体验 / 可用性
🏗 :building_construction: Making architectural changes. 架构变更
📱 :iphone: Working on responsive design. 真在进展响应式设计的相关事由
🤡 :clown_face: Mocking things. Mock 相关
🥚 :egg: Adding an easter egg. 彩蛋
🙈 :see_no_evil: Adding or updating a .gitignore file 新增或者更新 .gitignore 文件
git commit message 中使用 emoji
Improving structure / format of the code. 改进目录或代码结构 / 格式化代码⚡️
Improving performance. 提升性能🔥
Removing code or files. 移除代码或文件🐛
Fixing a bug. 修复 bug🚑
Critical hotfix. 紧急修复✨
Introducing new features. 新 feature📝
Writing docs. 书写文档🚀
Deploying stuff. 部署相关💄
Updating the UI and style files. 更新 UI 和 样式文件🎉
Initial commit. 首次提交✅
Adding tests. 新增测试用例🔒
Fixing security issues. 修复安全性问题🍎
Fixing something on macOS. 修复 macOS 平台上的缺陷🐧
Fixing something on Linux. 修复 Linux 平台上的缺陷🏁
Fixing something on Windows. 修复 Windows 平台上的缺陷🤖
Fixing something on Android. 修复 Android 上的缺陷🍏
Fixing something on iOS. 修复 iOS 上的缺陷🔖
Releasing / Version tags. 发布 / 给代码打版本化的 tag🚨
Removing linter warnings. 移除 linter 的警告🚧
Work in progress. 开发进行时💚
Fixing CI Build. 修复 CI 问题⬇️
Downgrading dependencies. 降级依赖版本⬆️
Upgrading dependencies. 升级依赖版本📌
Pinning dependencies to specific versions. 锁死依赖版本👷
Adding CI build system. 添加 CI📈
Adding analytics or tracking code. 添加分析或埋点代码♻️
Refactoring code. 代码重构➖
Removing a dependency. 移除依赖🐳
Work about Docker. Docker 相关事由➕
Adding a dependency. 添加一个依赖🔧
Changing configuration files. 修改一个配置文件🌐
Internationalization and localization. 国际化和本地化✏️
Fixing typos. 修正拼写错误💩
Writing bad code that needs to be improved. 需要改进的代码,先上后续再重构⏪
Reverting changes. 回滚变更🔀
Merging branches. 分支合并📦
Updating compiled files or packages. 更新打包后的文件或者包👽
Updating code due to external API changes. 外部依赖 API 变更导致的代码变更🚚
Moving or renaming files. 移动或重命名文件📄
Adding or updating license. 添加或者更新许可💥
Introducing breaking changes. 不兼容变更🍱
Adding or updating assets. 新增或更新 assets 资源👌
Updating code due to code review changes. 更新由 CR 引起的代码变更♿️
Improving accessibility. 提升无障碍体验💡
Documenting source code. 书写源码文档🍻
Writing code drunkenly.💬
Updating text and literals. 更新文案以及字面量🗃
Performing database related changes. 执行数据库相关变更🔊
Adding logs. 增加日志🔇
Removing logs. 移除日志👥
Adding contributor(s). 新增贡献者🚸
Improving user experience / usability. 提升用户体验 / 可用性🏗
Making architectural changes. 架构变更📱
Working on responsive design. 真在进展响应式设计的相关事由🤡
Mocking things. Mock 相关🥚
Adding an easter egg. 彩蛋🙈
Adding or updating a .gitignore file 新增或者更新.gitignore