pfent / Android-MISL-Control

An Android app used to control TAMUs ASEP Robot, controlled a MISL Stack
Apache License 2.0
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Video stream from phone to phone #9

Open b3nk4n opened 9 years ago

b3nk4n commented 9 years ago

Because it is hard to test with the IP-cam of ASEP, we will use a second android device as camera stream sender.

b3nk4n commented 9 years ago

VideoStreamSenderActivity was implemented, which can be accessed via Settings -> Video Streaming

It shows a preview of the device camera.

b3nk4n commented 9 years ago

A connection from a web-browser to the device could be established using that script:

        <meta name='viewport' content='target-densitydpi=device-dpi,initial-scale=1,minimum-scale=1,user-scalable=yes'/>
            <img src="" alt="Stream" align="middle">

BUT: currently, we get a MediaRecorder can not start RuntimeException !?

b3nk4n commented 9 years ago

Interresting links: StreamProxy:

Sender/Receiver via MediaRecoder/MediaPlayer: Keep in mind that MediaPlayer can not play data from a socked directly. Therefore, we have to buffer the data in a file or use the StreamProxy.

b3nk4n commented 9 years ago

This user reports, that he gets the same error on his Samsung 4.0.4 device (like ours), but no error on another 4.2 device:

b3nk4n commented 9 years ago

Very useful source:

b3nk4n commented 9 years ago

The camera API says: Note: Starting with Android 4.0 (API level 14), the Camera.lock() and Camera.unlock() calls are managed for you automatically.

But I can not confirm that, because it was not working on my 4.0.4 tablet without Camera.lock() or Camera.unlock() calls.

b3nk4n commented 9 years ago

Maybe we can get some inspiration from here:

They are doing basically the same thing as we do. Maybe this could help us to know how to handle errors with the Camera lifecycle...

pfent commented 9 years ago

VideoViews seem to have an easy method of streaming: setVideoURI()