pferrel / template-scala-parallel-universal-recommendation

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About user properties - one more try to ask #14

Open softwareklinic opened 8 years ago

softwareklinic commented 8 years ago

We have data for both ITEMs and USERs as below...

Items - are URLs viewed Users - have attributes such as tenure, birthyear, brandname, devicename, plan

If we ingest events such as below

u1, view, u2, view, u3, view,, $set, categories:billing, $set, categories:payment u1, $set, tenure:3+years u1, $set, birthyear, 1972 u2, $set, tenure:1+year u2, $set, birthyear: 1980

Assume we ingest 100s of such combinations...

If we ingest data this way -- if I want to recommend top 3 urls for any given user... does the UNIVERSAL RECOMMENDER template consider the user attributes... during the decision making... or does it just consider the item attributes only...

We didnt see much impact of the user attributes when trying out this way... so we want and used another alternative.... means --- marking each attribute as a event by itself as below... which seems to be working... but i want to understand how does the template use user properties/attributes...

u1, view, u2, view, u3, view, u1, tenure, 3+years u1, birthdyear, 1972 u1, tenure, 1+year u2, birthyear, 1980, $set, categories:billing, $set, categories:payment

pelim commented 7 years ago

this would be very interesting for my use case to we have different types users that could only buy a specific set of products - these types are based on country and order volume (should i blacklist the items that are not available for a specific user or can this be solved with user properties)