pfitzpaddy / ngm-reportDesk

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6) Epic: Admin Lists UI #131

Open pfitzpaddy opened 5 years ago

pfitzpaddy commented 5 years ago

Currently, the only way to update ngm-lists is via a database update.

SUPERUSER should have access to manage RH master lists (which are the default lists to new countries).

SUPERADMIN, COUNTRY, CLUSTER ADMINs should have access to manage RH lists for specific country / cluster response that are selected from the MASTER list











drfaustusfade commented 5 years ago

img_activities_mng UI/UX activities management sketch

pfitzpaddy commented 5 years ago

For this, I currently have "active" in activities.csv but thats not correct. What we could do is

pfitzpaddy commented 4 years ago

Bumping this issue, I think we should make a first start on this for the more basic lists, eventually tackling the more difficult issue of activities.

  1. To begin, there should be an Admin landing page @ #/cluster/admin Note: the Access conditions are specified above in the first comment of this issue sketch
  2. The landing page will include [ Cluster (links to the default landing page @ #/cluster/organization), Dashboards (@ #/cluster/admin/etc), Lists (@ #/cluster/admin/lists) ]. Note, there might be a route conflict on #/cluster/admin, something to keep in mind.
  3. This Admin page should also be available from the left menu (My Admin), along with the sub links.
  4. The admin lists would then be available @ #/cluster/admin/lists (as described in the Tasks above)

The first lists to tackle could be organizations, donors and beneficiary types. Side Note An Organization might also be a of type donor, programme partners, implementing partner, but no need to worry about that now.

I suggest starting to integrate the code as soon as possible, making the pages visible only to our accounts (i.e. === 'pfitzgerald' && === 'tkilkeiev' && === 'farifin', etc, or whatever accounts us 3 are using). This way we can have the code integrated and reviewed and rolled out with so many other changes ongoing easily.

pfitzpaddy commented 4 years ago

I recommend @fakhrihawari to take a look at this, unless you have other pressing issues. Any questions or clarifications contact Skype group Alpha at any time.

drfaustusfade commented 4 years ago

next on the list to tackle, after there is rtl support almost implemented, the good thing @fakhrihawari worked on it and did many things, the plan is to start with beneficiary types I support the idea of the practice of committing early and often

fakhrihawari commented 4 years ago

@pfitzpaddy and @drfaustusfade so what should we call this admin "master"?

fakhrihawari commented 4 years ago

Init :

pfitzpaddy commented 4 years ago

Adding another page we might want to add during this admin development -> APIs. The API card would load a page with lists of APIs and the params. This would be useful for the IMOs to access data. This is low priority and not urgent. With APIs, we should also look into adding a key param for security or including something for authentication - whatever we choose it would have to also work with Power Bi

fakhrihawari commented 4 years ago

Are beneficiary types and beneficiaries the same things? Cause in the task above just mention the detailed task about beneficiaries, not detailed task about the beneficiary type

drfaustusfade commented 4 years ago

In the task it’s the same, beneficiary type in RH is population group to provide services, meaning people, beneficiaries are also people served in general, hence the confusion, also it can be viewed as subclass of beneficiaries

pfitzpaddy commented 4 years ago

APIs Page -> Could be a page that also generates API key for user.

drfaustusfade commented 4 years ago

PROPOSAL/DISCUSSION for admin lists structure

The main idea is to organize all lists by Response Plan

Page for country admin/cluster admin would include: Global lists for view, Country lists (Organizations, Admins, ...), Plans

Plans -> List of Plans -> Plan Def & List of Clusters -> Plan Cluster lists ( Cluster...Beneficiary types, Activities, Donors, Site Types, Site Implementations, Indicators, Units, etc )

Each list would be referenced by PlanID, dates, tag etc A list would follow usual card form like interface, for country cluster list it would be possible to select values from global or maybe also functionality to add custom values The functionality of all components could be adjusted per Response Plan, for example, 5w would contain for Response Plans filter etc PlanID, PlanTag, could be added to beneficiary data, for reference and updates Further development could include Copy Plan, Plan Templates etc The first version could contain just one continuous ongoing plan for simplicity
