pfitzseb / ProfileCanvas.jl

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ProfileData doesn't show correctly in latest Pluto #13

Closed disberd closed 2 years ago

disberd commented 2 years ago


I came back to this package in Pluto after trying it some time ago but it seems that the profile view doesn't show correctly in Pluto anymore.

You get a blank output and some errors in the JS console: image

Based on the error message, I suppose the problem is in these lines within the show method:

Pluto doesn't seem to support the type="module" synthax and so the export inside the js file gives an error.

I tried adapting the show method to use the import synthax suggested in the JS example pluto notebook and it does fix the issue, but I was pointing directly to an online cdn version. Don't know exactly how to make this work with artifacts.

Here is the code I used to overwrite the show method in Pluto

@eval ProfileCanvas function, ::MIME"text/html", canvas::ProfileData)
    id = "profiler-container-$(round(Int, rand()*100000))"
        <div id="$(id)" style="height: 400px; position: relative;"></div>
            const ProfileCanvas = await import('')
        const ProfileViewer = ProfileCanvas.ProfileViewer
            const viewer = new ProfileViewer("#$(id)", $(JSON.json(, "$(canvas.typ)")
pfitzseb commented 2 years ago

Fixed with