pfletcherhill / Gandalf

Events application for the Yale community.
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Calendar UI #28

Closed khannotations closed 11 years ago

khannotations commented 11 years ago

So whilst you were tinkering away on the backends, I was perfecting our calendar UI.

Bad news: it's still not perfect

Good news: the framework for most anything we want to do is in place!

That means (some of these aren't completely implemented):

Still to do:

In addition, I refactored some more of the code. it's important, i think, for organization and standardization that we keep a @model or @collection in each View. Also, instead of passing lots of variables between view events, i made the variables that didn't change often into class variables.

That's a wrap.

Your code was awesome, but it didn't work on my computer—did you have instructions for what I need to do?

pfletcherhill commented 11 years ago

Good shit! The popover is sexy.