pfletcherhill / Gandalf

Events application for the Yale community.
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Follow button fix and daily bulletins! #53

Closed khannotations closed 11 years ago

khannotations commented 11 years ago

The problem with the follow button in production was that we were using to determine if the model was an organization or category, but when javascript is minified, all the models were renamed (to r, or s or something). now the methods are refactored into followOrg and followCat (and corresponding unfollow functions), so we're not using the model's name from it's constructor.

Also, daily / weekly bulletins are now working! As long as your rails app is running, it'll send everyone (which will forward to you) a mail with the next 10 upcoming events (start_at > You can update your preference to "weekly" in user preferences, in which case you'll only get an email on sundays. :+1:

I've also gone ahead and added rudimentary flash, in case we don't get to that later.

Next, we now have support to add/edit/remove categories from events from the dashboard. I've also added an info button on the popover when you click a calendar/feed event that tells you exactly why you're seeing that event on your calendar.

Then we have the location autocomplete in creating and editing events. that involved creating a LocationAlias class that stores however many aliases we need to keep for any location (including common typos), and pg_search-ing through that, as well.

Just Facebook to go!

Updates to TODO.txt

Remember to bundle and rake db:drop && rake db:create && rake db:migrate && rake db:seed

ADD gmaps_key: AIzaSyDxC7qcloU94l5dvOEdAoQTZ7AijIX65gw to credentials.yml

pfletcherhill commented 11 years ago

All right, I haven't had time to look through it all, but I'm sure it's baller. Sorry I've been so busy.