pfmc-assessments / canary_2023

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Compile catch - ASHOP #18

Closed brianlangseth-NOAA closed 1 year ago

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

@chantelwetzel-noaa I was under the impression that ASHOP catch was in pacfin. Im struggling to find it though. Is it accessible somewhere else or do we pull from PacFIN?

chantelwetzel-noaa commented 1 year ago

We often use these terms interchangeably during discussions, but for clarity here I want to specify what ASHOP technically is. ASHOP is the short-hand term we use for the at-sea hake observer program that collects biological data (bycatch samples for canary and other rockfish species) within the at-sea sector. The removal associated with the Pacific hake fishery is definitely included in PacFIN. In the 2015 canary rockfish, I think the catch grouping called mid-water (MDT) was used to determine that catch of canary rockfish within the Pacific hake fishery which at the time was the only fishery using mid-water trawl gear. However, in recent years there has been the redevelopment of a mid-water fishery targeting rockfish that you will want to ensure does not get combined with the Pacific hake fishery catches. I would have to look at the PacFIN tables to remind myself how to identify removals.

chantelwetzel-noaa commented 1 year ago

After digging around in messy folders, I want to modify my answer a bit. I think I have a vague memory that John Wallace who pulled catch data in 2015 intentionally excluded catches from the at-sea Pacific hake fishery from the PacFIN data pulls intentionally. Looking across my folders, I do see Pacific hake catches that were provided to me by Vanessa Tuttle who is POC for the ASHOP program. I think this is the better representation of how the catches were compiled at the time (forget my MDT comment). In 2015, I did confirmed with the GMT STAR panel rep that all the catches were correct, so as of then, the catch values in the data files are correct by fleet for the commercial side. I believe the current protocol for pulling catch data is to include the Pacific hake fishery and then let users parse it out if necessary.

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

@chantelwetzel-noaa I compared the pull from PacFIN you provided us (01.Sept.2022.Rdata) with catches in your MASTER file within the 2015 assessment archive that were based on PacFIN data. The new values for overlapping years are similar but smaller so Im not sure that catches from the hake fishery catches are included in the new pull. I couldn't see any indication from PacFIN.Utilities::PullCatch.PacFIN.R. How would we ascertain if its at sea hake?

chantelwetzel-noaa commented 1 year ago

I have confirmed with @kellijohnson-NOAA that the at-sea hake catches are not returned when using the current script to pull PacFIN catches because they reside in a separate data table within PacFIN. We are working on a modification to how the data is pull to include the at-sea catches within the standard pull, so please stay tuned for that change.

However, catches from the shoreside-hake sector are included in the existing pulled PacFIN catches. The shoreside-hake removals show up under gear type MDT. However, MDT also includes catches from other sectors as well (e.g., rockfish midwater trawl).

In regards to canary, the catches in the at-sea fleet from the 2015 model were only from the at-sea sector and the shoreside-hake removals were likely lumped into the trawl fleet.

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

Thank you chantel. This makes sense to me. Unless there is any reason to separate ALL hake catches, keeping nearshore landings separate from at-sea landings would make sense to me. We will proceed with midwater (MDT) as part of the trawl gear. For my future self, MPT is another old midwater code (for catch processer midwater trawls) but at least for canary is never used.

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

@chantelwetzel-noaa Any update on whether I can now pull ASHOP catches and bio data from PacFIN? If not I'll follow up with Vanessa.

chantelwetzel-noaa commented 1 year ago

I recommend requesting these data directly from Vanessa Tuttle.

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

@kellijohnson-NOAA We need ASHOP catches and comps for canary. Im not familiar with the hake sampling but Im guessing we will need to apply expansions to the comp data. Would requesting catch, discard, and any lengths or ages at the trip level be adequate to be able to apply the expansions?

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

Vanessa provided ASHOP catches, lengths, and ages on April 21, 2023.

I decided not to do expanded comps for length and ages. There is a total canary catch weight per haul, and samples could be summed to obtain sample weight, but this is outside the scope of our current expansion routines. Although it could be done over the course of a couple of days, the magnitude of the catches is small so not worth it at this time.

We've been told that the hake fishery does not operate in CA waters. It appears that is the case in recent years, but in early years there is a clear signal of hauls between 40 and 42 degrees. Thus, early on it appears there is a CA operating fleet. UPDATE: Found that processing hake was restricted to > 42 degree starting with the 1992 fishing season.

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

Found that processing hake was restricted to > 42 degree starting with the 1992 fishing season.

Vanessa also provided updated aged data that includes very recently read otoliths.

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

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