pfmc-assessments / canary_2023

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Compile data - Composition data #32

Closed brianlangseth-NOAA closed 12 months ago

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

Set up composition data for

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

See in california repo about CPFV and BIO samples in recfin

"The CPFV entries are for individuals observed while sampling onboard and correspond to discarded fish that are measured prior to release on each drift for a subset of anglers..."

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

In conversations with @EJDick-NOAA, he recommends that CRFSS (i.e. recfin) composition be catch-weighted. (he is nearly done with that process) and that MRFSS be unweighted

EJDick-NOAA commented 1 year ago

In conversations with @EJDick-NOAA, he recommends that CRFSS (i.e. recfin) composition be catch-weighted. (he is nearly done with that process) and that MRFSS be unweighted

@brianlangseth-NOAA To follow up regarding MRFSS length comps, Karpov et al. (1995; CDFG Fish Bulletin 176, pp. 18-19) used unweighted comps, and wrote, "...sample size by district was assumed to represent size of the landings. That assumption is valid for MRFSS data since MRFSS sampling effort was generally allocated in proportion to an area's fishing effort." Implicitly, this also assumes that catch rates were equal across strata, but we don't have raw data to reconstruct MRFSS estimates and unweighted comps are the best we can do for this data set.

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

@iantaylor-NOAA We are combining landings in PacFIN with discards from the GEMM to model total removals. When working up the PacFIN comps, I expanded based on PacFIN landings, and assumed partition 2 (retained fish only) because that is what the pacfin data reflect (pacfin is landings and for canary is pretty much just retained fish). However we are using this data to inform total removals in the model. Should I therefore expand based on total removals, and/or use partition 0 (retained and discarded)?

iantaylor-NOAA commented 1 year ago

Hi Brian, The partition input to PacFIN.Utilities::writeComps() doesn't impact the expansion at all, it just gets passed to the column in the resulting table for input to SS3. Since your model will be using partition 0 (all mortality), using partition = 0 in the expansion saves you having to change those values in your data file later.

In case it's useful, here's some code where I've taken the output from writeComps() and gotten it closer to the SS3 format (but taking just the FthenM element of the list, adding fleet numbering, and removing columns (that part will change in the future to using numbers of fish as the input for petrale):

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

Noting that a sensitivity for rec comps is to include the released fish in rec comps. Right now we are excluding. SPre-assessment data workshop presentation shows support. Some additional discussion prior to workshop can be found in #41