pfmc-assessments / canary_2023

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Compile data - Historical commercial catch from CA caught in OR/WA #51

Closed brianlangseth-NOAA closed 1 year ago

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

This could be combined with issue #9 but I want to document the decision points for these data in a separate issue.

@EJDick-NOAA provided landings from California that were caught in OR/WA waters and not included in the Ralston historical commercial reconstruction for CA via email on March 20, 2023. Years for these data are 1948-1968, and are at most 14mt for canary.

Per EJ's email, "these are mentioned in the "Accepted Practices" doc (page 3, paragraph 3), and should be added to historical landings for Oregon and/or Washington" though the Accepted Practices doc just says these should be looked at, not neccessary what to do with them. EJ is confident these landings are not being picked up by Oregon or Washington so are not being double counted.

Although it may be reasonable to add these to landings in OR/WA, it is assumed that the trawl fleets moves across state lines for all states, and therefore assuming these for OR/WA could be inconsistent with the assumptions we are making that that landings reported for a state are caught in that state. This is also relevant for trawl landings in OR that are thought to be caught in WA.

Therefore to be consistent with choices elsewhere in the model on using port of landings to determine where landings are assigned, we plan to add these to California as opposed to add to OR/WA. This was discussed with state partners and we all believe this is a reasonable choice.

We looped in John Field on this issue and he was fairly confident these are from trawl landings. Although it is not for sure, I am comfortable using that as the working assumption, so add these to the trawl fleet. John also commented that perhaps using the OR/WA selectivity curves could make sense, the key thing is that these catches are included, and that given the limited magnitude where they are included is unlikely to be objected to.