pfn / passifox

Extensions to allow Chrome and Firefox (4.0+) to auto form-fill passwords from KeePass (requires KeePassHttp)
GNU General Public License v3.0
903 stars 185 forks source link

Microsoft Live not recognizing login autofill information from Keepass/ChromeIPass #486

Open Snake883 opened 8 years ago

Snake883 commented 8 years ago

When attempting to login into Microsoft Live/Hotmail/Mail, KeePass/ChromeIPass autofills the password. But the webpage doesn't recognize the login/password information was entered, the webpage will report an error, and ask me again to enter the username/password.

My work around is to manually type a character at the end of the input box, and then remove the character. This makes the webpage aware that I did enter the login information.

So why doesn't the webpage know the login information is entered? What is Keepass/ChromeIPass not doing so the webpage will understand the information is entered? What does Keepass/ChromeIPass need to change?

Keepass v2.32 ChromeIPass

neon64 commented 8 years ago

+1 I noticed it says "Please enter the password for your Microsoft account." not "Your username/password is incorrect". I think Microsoft listens to the change event on the input box. So if there is a way for ChromeIPass to automatically trigger it then that should solve the problem.

ikmail1 commented 7 years ago

I have the same with only Hotmail with Firefox and Keepass/Keefox: userid is autotyped in the box, but underneath it, it still displays 'Email, phone, or Skype name' and the message 'Please enter a valid email address, phone number, or Skype name' appears above the box. Did you receive any info on how to get this working?

BTW, I use the same workaround :-) After the password screen displays, but there the actual password is not autotyped. (Keepass 2.35, Keefox 1.6.4)