pfn / passifox

Extensions to allow Chrome and Firefox (4.0+) to auto form-fill passwords from KeePass (requires KeePassHttp)
GNU General Public License v3.0
908 stars 186 forks source link

Overwriting existing password at login #621

Open Whoareyouagain opened 7 years ago

Whoareyouagain commented 7 years ago

the extension kept overwriting my existing password I typed in the login. Chromeipass need to respect the user's input if the password did not exist in the database.

I was attempting to login my microsoft account, the database only have a record of my former password. I haven't get the chance to update the database. I typed in the new password in the login screen, I keep getting login user/password invalided error. I know it is the correct password for the account but curious why I am getting that error. I realized it chromeipass is overriding my new password at the click of the login. I shut down keepass and went to login again. It work fine with my new password. I am positive chromeipass is not suppose to override my new password. I am not sure how it does that, but it did. I assumed it is a bug or it was the way chromeipass is designed. I never get a dialog to update my new password or anything. It happen in a few websites, I assumed chromeipass is overriding my password and use the password from database.

Chrome 57.0.2987.133, Chromeipass 2.8.1, KeepassHttp, Keepass 2.34, Window 10

Edit: forgot to add my infos