pfn / passifox

Extensions to allow Chrome and Firefox (4.0+) to auto form-fill passwords from KeePass (requires KeePassHttp)
GNU General Public License v3.0
908 stars 186 forks source link

Browser plugins cannot connect to keepasshtml #675

Open Aquazone opened 6 years ago

Aquazone commented 6 years ago


I am successfully and happily using KeePass on my windows machines, so I now tried to install the software on my linux machine as well, running CentOS 6.9 (32-bit).

I installed all software components from the standard repositories, so the version may not be actual:

KeePass and the keepasshttp plugin have been copied to /usr/bin, with permissions set to 644. Standalone, KeePass runs fine and I can access my passwords and stuff stored in the database file.

But the plugin does not work, neither in Chrome nor in Firefox. When I click "Connect" it keeps telling me "Is KeePassHttp installed and is KeePass running?"

KeePass is running, as can be confirmed by ps. The browser plugin is running too. So I assume that either the browser plugin cannot find or communicate with KeePassHttp or, KeePassHttp itself cannot find or communicate with KeePass itself. I hope it's not both.

I have no idea how to find logs or something to start troubleshooting the issue. Maybe someone here can give me a helping hand and point to where to start? I'm no developer, so please be patient.

Kind regards, Aquazone