Implement a helper Extension that makes it easy to create a custom Extension that takes no manager as an argument and executes a pure custom function controlled by a trigger.
Custom functions that do not take manager as an argument can perform two main operations
Side-effect operations on arguments
report on execution
As for side-effect operations, it is not possible to control them as a function of PPE due to the python specification, so no specific action is taken.
The report function would be more convenient if it could report on values returned by dict, following the PPE's handler module.
Therefore, I would implement it with the following interface
There is a need to clarify that it is easy to report() the results of the execution to avoid confusion caused by duplication of functionality with the conventional make_extension().
Implement a helper Extension that makes it easy to create a custom Extension that takes no manager as an argument and executes a pure custom function controlled by a trigger.
Custom functions that do not take manager as an argument can perform two main operations
As for side-effect operations, it is not possible to control them as a function of PPE due to the python specification, so no specific action is taken.
The report function would be more convenient if it could report on values returned by dict, following the PPE's handler module.
Therefore, I would implement it with the following interface