pftf / RPi4

Raspberry Pi 4 UEFI Firmware Images
1.16k stars 138 forks source link not working #232

Open lexfrei opened 1 year ago

lexfrei commented 1 year ago

I can't reach the site.

a.sviridkin@192:~$ curl
curl: (6) Could not resolve host:
✗: 6 @ Sat Mar 11 00:19:38 MSK 2023

The domain is still registered, so looks like just a DNS issue

a.sviridkin@192:~$ dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 51948
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;         IN  A

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:      234 IN  SOA 3 21600 3600 259200 300

;; Query time: 44 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Mar 11 00:17:34 MSK 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 135

✓ @ Sat Mar 11 00:17:34 MSK 2023
xgpt commented 11 months ago

Still not fixed.

ringods commented 8 months ago

@pbatard do you have access to get the website up and running again?

pbatard commented 8 months ago

I don't.

ringods commented 8 months ago

@pbatard the logical follow up question on my end is then: do you know who has this access and can you loop them in on this issue?

pbatard commented 8 months ago

I believe @andreiw has been pinged multiple time on this issue.

ringods commented 7 months ago

In the meantime:

andreiw commented 7 months ago

Sorry, first time I saw this. I ran the site with my own funds. When I left VMware, I had asked Arm to take over the site maintenance. They have all the backups. Please reach out to @samerhaj for further info.

stuyod01 commented 6 months ago

I can provide the zip archive of Andrei's wordpress site if anyone would like to resurrect that.

Another option would be to harvest the content and create markdown or wiki pages on github.

ringods commented 6 months ago

@stuyod01 do provide the zip file as an attachment to a comment here. I will have a look if I can make a markdown powered static site.

pbatard commented 6 months ago

For the record, if someone is willing to make a GitHub static web site, I'll be happy to create a gh-pages branch of this repository to publish it, since it makes sense that the web site should be handled by this project and we can easily have pointing to this content by setting a CNAME file.

ringods commented 6 months ago

@pbatard Is this pftp organization linked to a company? If not, can we open it up to more user contributions? For example, I would like to reach out to the author of the RPi5 initiative (see comment link) to bundle the efforts under this organization and have that repo moved to here as RPi5, similar to the existing RPi3 and RPi4.

Can you create a separate repository for the website? The website is not RPi v4 specific and I would like to see RPi 3/4/5 info ending up there. In the meantime, I registered domain again and paid for it myself. Consider this my first contribution to this project. 😄

pbatard commented 6 months ago

Is this pftp organization linked to a company?

Not really. It's a loose association of individuals who share(d) a common interest in making the Raspberry Pi platform officially supported by EDK2 (along with other things such as trying to promote SBSA/SBBR). As long as you share that goal and are willing to contribute, then the doors of pftf (which stands for Pi Firmware Task Force) are opened to you.

I would like to reach out to the author of the RPi5 initiative (see comment link) to bundle the efforts under this organization

Please note that, at this stage, and to keep in line with the goal stated above, I feel like we should only accept an RPi5 project under pftf once its codebase has been submitted and integrated into EDK2 (which I am assuming/hoping is what Mario is working towards, but I am not completely sure).

On the other hand, I don't have a problem creating a separate RPi5-dev repo here, or something else, if we feel that's what needed for EDK2 integration, but I cannot stress enough that, from where I stand, formal integration into EDK2 needs to happen, just as it happened for the Pi 3 and the Pi 4, before we should consider publishing downloadable UEFI firmware packages under pftf. And yes, I understand that this might be seen as an unnecessary hurdle/annoyance to many, but IMO, the benefits of doing it that way far outweigh the costs, as it'll mean that we will work with a codebase that has been properly vetted and reviewed, and also, it'll mean that people from all horizons will be able to see the Pi5 platform as something that can be officially relied on for UEFI, as opposed to something that a handful of individuals worked on at one stage, and that might cease to be maintained from one day to the next. Considering the interest that exists with regards to UEFI on the Pi 5, I believe that there should be enough individuals besides Mario wanting to contribute to the effort of having it officially integrated as an EDK2 platform (because by all means, Mario should not have to do it alone) so I don't see why we shouldn't be able to accomplish with the Pi 5 what was accomplished with the Pi 3 and Pi 4.

Can you create a separate repository for the website?

I'd rather we restore the RPi4 specific website first, and see where we go from here. I don't have much of an objection to having a more generic hosted under pftf, but the immediate goal here is to have the website work again, since there are quite a few URLs that link to it, and I don't see how trying to go in too many directions at once will help with this goal.

So can I ask that we please do things one step at a time and complete the restoration of first?

ringods commented 6 months ago

So can I ask that we please do things one step at a time and complete the restoration of first?

Sure. Thas was my intent all along. However, I made a mistake in checking the domain name to have a typo and forgot the 4 in it. Noticing that the domain (with my typo) was available, I claimed it. Silly me. 🙈

samerhaj commented 6 months ago

I already registered and own

I can gladly point it to the new Github static web site when ready

stuyod01 commented 6 months ago

I could not attach it due to the 25MB limit. Here is a link to the file on my google drive:

samerhaj commented 5 months ago

I temporarily redirected to . I can edit the URL to whatever documentation page we end up with on the PFTF Github