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Raspberry Pi 4 UEFI Firmware Images
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Memory limit remain after disabling on v1.37 #255

Closed pieroproietti closed 3 months ago

pieroproietti commented 3 months ago

I installed the last Raspberry Pi 4 UEFI Firmware v1.37, I deactivating the 3 GB limit of RAM, from the UEFI menu, this is saved, but the limit persist.

There are problems, someone can confirm? Thanks


pieroproietti commented 3 months ago

This is the UEFI configuration, Limit to 3 GB Memory is disabled and saved.


alsldlflglhljlk commented 3 months ago

free -h shows a total of 3.7 Gi, indicating that the measurement is in gibibytes, not gigabytes. 3.7 gibibytes to gigabytes = 3.97284 gigabytes. This is the correct number (assuming you're using a Raspberry Pi with 4 GB of RAM).

pieroproietti commented 3 months ago

@alsldlflglhljlk, I have 8GB model, but yes You are right: this is not a problem of 3GB limit. I will check again.

I confirm: I enabled again the limit and now, correctly have: 2.8Gi, remain the problem why I don't see my 8G but must be some other question.

Thanks, I think to close the issue