Open nichtich opened 1 week ago
Here is the relevant subset of RQL grammar to express raw data (everything but: select, delete, update, restriction, functions, complex expressions):
insert ::= 'INSERT' variables ( ':' relations)?
variables ::= E_TYPE VARIABLE (',' E_TYPE VARIABLE)*
relations ::= relation (',' relation)*
relation ::= VARIABLE R_TYPE expression
expression ::= VARIABLE | constant
constant ::= KEYWORD | STRING | FLOAT | INT
VARIABLE ::= '[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*'
E_TYPE ::= '[A-Z]\w*'
R_TYPE ::= '[a-z_]+'
STRING ::= "'([^'\]|\\.)*'" |'"([^\"]|\\.)*\"'
FLOAT ::= '\d+\.\d*'
INT ::= '\d+'
thank you for taking a look at and its Relation Query Language (RQL) !
A mapping to Cypher sounds interesting. Let me know if I can help.
Similar to Cypher CREATE. See RQL documentation.