pg2455 / KAN-Tutorial

Understanding Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks: A Tutorial Series on KAN using Toy Examples
MIT License
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Questions on other usecases #1

Open BradKML opened 1 week ago

BradKML commented 1 week ago

Are there ways of making tutorials for the following topics (in order of complexity):

pg2455 commented 1 week ago

Hey Brad,

I am trying to keep the KAN-Tutorial repo focused on the foundational aspects of KAN to understand what powers its properties. Thus, the notebooks have been focused mostly on extremely simple use cases involving one or two neurons.

I think if some smaller toy problems inspiring the above KAN architectures can be designed, such tutorials can be designed. The links that you suggested are already a good start to inspire a toy problem.

However, I will have to think about what extra knowledge can those tutorials add.

If you have suggestions or examples or a repo you are working on, please feel free to post them for review.