pgRouting / osm2pgrouting

Import tool for OpenStreetMap data to pgRouting database
GNU General Public License v2.0
289 stars 111 forks source link

error using --clean flag #205

Closed lucadelu closed 6 years ago

lucadelu commented 6 years ago

I reload the data using master version of osm2pgrouting and I get an error setting the --clean flag about foreing keys.

./osm2pgrouting -f /tmp/trentino-alto-adige.osm --clean -c ~/Lavoro/2017/daniele_barbacovi/mapconfig.xml -p 5433 -d fondazione_trasporti -W luca13 -U lucadelu
Execution starts at: Wed Dec  6 15:48:03 2017

           COMMAND LINE CONFIGURATION             *
Filename = /tmp/trentino-alto-adige.osm
Configuration file = /home/lucadelu/Lavoro/2017/daniele_barbacovi/mapconfig.xml
host = localhost
port = 5433
dbname = fondazione_trasporti
username = 
password = 
prefix = 
suffix = 
Drop tables
Don't create indexes
Don't add OSM nodes
Testing database connection: fondazione_trasporti
database connection successful: fondazione_trasporti
Connecting to the database
connection success

Dropping tables...
TABLE: ways dropped ... OK.
TABLE: ways_vertices_pgr dropped ... OK.
TABLE: pointsofinterest dropped ... OK.
TABLE: configuration dropped ... OK.
TABLE: osm_nodes dropped ... OK.
TABLE: osm_ways dropped ... OK.
ERROR:  cannot drop table osm_relations because other objects depend on it
DETAIL:  constraint relations_ways_relation_id_fkey on table relations_ways depends on table osm_relations
HINT:  Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.

Creating tables...
TABLE: ways_vertices_pgr created ... OK.
TABLE: ways created ... OK.
TABLE: pointsofinterest created ... OK.
TABLE: configuration created ... OK.
Opening configuration file: /home/lucadelu/Lavoro/2017/daniele_barbacovi/mapconfig.xml
    Parsing configuration

Exporting configuration ...
  - Done 
Counting lines ...
  - Done 
Opening data file: /tmp/trentino-alto-adige.osm total lines: 24101816
    Parsing data

End Of file

    Finish Parsing data

Adding auxiliary tables to database...

Export Ways ...
    Processing 720473 ways:
[*|                                                 ] (2%) Total processed: 20000    Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[**|                                                ] (5%) Total processed: 40000    Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[****|                                              ] (8%) Total processed: 60000    Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[*****|                                             ] (11%) Total processed: 80000   Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[******|                                            ] (13%) Total processed: 100000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[********|                                          ] (16%) Total processed: 120000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[*********|                                         ] (19%) Total processed: 140000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[***********|                                       ] (22%) Total processed: 160000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[************|                                      ] (24%) Total processed: 180000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[*************|                                     ] (27%) Total processed: 200000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[***************|                                   ] (30%) Total processed: 220000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[****************|                                  ] (33%) Total processed: 240000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[******************|                                ] (36%) Total processed: 260000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[*******************|                               ] (38%) Total processed: 280000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[********************|                              ] (41%) Total processed: 300000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[**********************|                            ] (44%) Total processed: 320000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[***********************|                           ] (47%) Total processed: 340000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[************************|                          ] (49%) Total processed: 360000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[**************************|                        ] (52%) Total processed: 380000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[***************************|                       ] (55%) Total processed: 400000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[*****************************|                     ] (58%) Total processed: 420000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[******************************|                    ] (61%) Total processed: 440000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[*******************************|                   ] (63%) Total processed: 460000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[*********************************|                 ] (66%) Total processed: 480000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[**********************************|                ] (69%) Total processed: 500000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[************************************|              ] (72%) Total processed: 520000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[*************************************|             ] (74%) Total processed: 540000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[**************************************|            ] (77%) Total processed: 560000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[****************************************|          ] (80%) Total processed: 580000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[*****************************************|         ] (83%) Total processed: 600000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[*******************************************|       ] (86%) Total processed: 620000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[********************************************|      ] (88%) Total processed: 640000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[*********************************************|     ] (91%) Total processed: 660000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[***********************************************|   ] (94%) Total processed: 680000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[************************************************|  ] (97%) Total processed: 700000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[*************************************************| ] (99%) Total processed: 720000  Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0
[**************************************************|] (100%) Total processed: 720473     Vertices inserted: 0   Split ways inserted 0

Creating indexes ...

Processing Points of Interest ...
size of streets: 720473
Execution started at: Wed Dec  6 15:48:03 2017
Execution ended at:   Wed Dec  6 16:43:45 2017
Elapsed time: 3341.41 Seconds.
User CPU time: -> 253.997 seconds