Open dpage opened 7 years ago
Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2018-06-15 10:47:53 UTC.
We can add new preferences settings "Open file in new tab".
Redmine ticket header update:
Name | Old Value | New Value |
Sprint changed | Ready |
Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Khushboo Vashi at 2021-05-14 11:31:11 UTC.
Redmine ticket header update:
Name | Old Value | New Value |
Difficulty changed | Easy |
Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-07-30 11:37:27 UTC.
Redmine ticket header update:
Name | Old Value | New Value |
Relationship (duplicated) changed | RM #4829 |
Issue migrated from Redmine: Originally created by tom mahoney at 2017-06-27 14:10:10 UTC.
Clicking the Open File icon should automatically open the chosen file in a new query tool tab, while keeping the existing query tab intact.
The times I want an additional file in a new tab vs. in the existing tab are probably 15:1, so I'm constantly clicking tools->query tool, open file from a new blank query.
Habit & conditioning from default behavior of tools like SSMS. I can't be alone in that.
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