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Schema diff keeps listing equal objects (RM #6957) #4724

Closed dpage closed 2 years ago

dpage commented 2 years ago

Issue migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Franz-Josef Färber at 2021-10-25 07:51:17 UTC.

See #6877: Problem still exists.

Schema Diff keeps listing quite a bunch of objects, but the source and target windows contain exactly the same sql. I have also confirmed the database objects are indeed equal by comparing using pg_dump.

This time I have recorded a debug log as advised in #6877. As I consider that log confidential, I won't post the whole log here. Please contact me if you need it.

Note: In case of tablefunc extensions, there seem to be different owners; but schema diff does neither seem to display that nor suggest a ALTER statement to change the owner.

Excerpts from the log:

2021-10-25 07:17:43,567: DEBUG  pgadmin:    Schema Diff: Source Dict: {'oid': 21827, 'owner': 'postgres', 'name': 'tablefunc', 'schema': 'ext_tablefunc', 'relocatable': True, 'version': '1.0', 'comment': 'functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab', 'is_sys_obj': False}
2021-10-25 07:17:43,567: DEBUG  pgadmin:    Schema Diff: Target Dict: {'oid': 28316, 'owner': 'pvz', 'name': 'tablefunc', 'schema': 'ext_tablefunc', 'relocatable': True, 'version': '1.0', 'comment': 'functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab', 'is_sys_obj': False}
2021-10-25 07:17:43,569: DEBUG  pgadmin:    Schema Diff: Object name: 'tablefunc', Source Value: 'postgres', Target Value: 'pvz', Key: 'owner'

2021-10-25 07:19:20,401: DEBUG  pgadmin:    Schema Diff: Source Dict: {'oid': 21854, 'name': 'meldung', 'is_collatable': False, 'type_acl': None, 'oid-2': 21854, 'typname': 'meldung', 'typnamespace': 19689, 'typowner': 16390, 'typlen': -1, 'typbyval': False, 'typtype': 'c', 'typcategory': 'C', 'typispreferred': False, 'typisdefined': True, 'typdelim': ',', 'typrelid': 21852, 'typelem': 0, 'typarray': 21853, 'typinput': 'record_in', 'typoutput': 'record_out', 'typreceive': 'record_recv', 'typsend': 'record_send', 'typmodin': '-', 'typmodout': '-', 'typanalyze': '-', 'typalign': 'd', 'typstorage': 'x', 'typnotnull': False, 'typbasetype': 0, 'typtypmod': -1, 'typndims': 0, 'typcollation': 0, 'typdefaultbin': None, 'typdefault': None, 'typacl': [], 'alias': 'peri_lkidm.meldung', 'typeowner': 'pvz', 'element': None, 'description': None, 'taboid': None, 'schema': 'peri_lkidm', 'seclabels': None, 'is_sys_type': False, 'member_list': 'code text, kategorie text, text text, details text', 'composite': [{'attnum': 1, 'member_name': 'code', 'type': 'text', 'collation': '', 'cltype': 'text', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'text'}, {'attnum': 2, 'member_name': 'kategorie', 'type': 'text', 'collation': '', 'cltype': 'text', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'text'}, {'attnum': 3, 'member_name': 'text', 'type': 'text', 'collation': '', 'cltype': 'text', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'text'}, {'attnum': 4, 'member_name': 'details', 'type': 'text', 'collation': '', 'cltype': 'text', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'text'}]}
2021-10-25 07:19:20,401: DEBUG  pgadmin:    Schema Diff: Target Dict: {'oid': 21796, 'name': 'meldung', 'is_collatable': False, 'type_acl': None, 'oid-2': 21796, 'typname': 'meldung', 'typnamespace': 19659, 'typowner': 16387, 'typlen': -1, 'typbyval': False, 'typtype': 'c', 'typcategory': 'C', 'typispreferred': False, 'typisdefined': True, 'typdelim': ',', 'typrelid': 21794, 'typelem': 0, 'typarray': 21795, 'typinput': 'record_in', 'typoutput': 'record_out', 'typreceive': 'record_recv', 'typsend': 'record_send', 'typmodin': '-', 'typmodout': '-', 'typanalyze': '-', 'typalign': 'd', 'typstorage': 'x', 'typnotnull': False, 'typbasetype': 0, 'typtypmod': -1, 'typndims': 0, 'typcollation': 0, 'typdefaultbin': None, 'typdefault': None, 'typacl': [], 'alias': 'peri_lkidm.meldung', 'typeowner': 'pvz', 'element': None, 'description': None, 'taboid': None, 'schema': 'peri_lkidm', 'seclabels': None, 'is_sys_type': False, 'member_list': 'code text, kategorie text, text text, details text', 'composite': [{'attnum': 1, 'member_name': 'code', 'type': 'text', 'collation': '', 'cltype': 'text', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'text'}, {'attnum': 2, 'member_name': 'kategorie', 'type': 'text', 'collation': '', 'cltype': 'text', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'text'}, {'attnum': 3, 'member_name': 'text', 'type': 'text', 'collation': '', 'cltype': 'text', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'text'}, {'attnum': 4, 'member_name': 'details', 'type': 'text', 'collation': '', 'cltype': 'text', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'text'}]}
2021-10-25 07:19:20,402: DEBUG  pgadmin:    Schema Diff: Object name: 'meldung', Source Value: '16390', Target Value: '16387', Key: 'typowner'

2021-10-25 07:17:53,975: DEBUG  pgadmin:    Schema Diff: Source Dict: {'oid': 21899, 'xmin': '693', 'proiswindow': False, 'prosrc': '\n    SELECT EXISTS(\n        SELECT true\n          FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a\n         WHERE a.attrelid = tablename\n           AND a.attnum > 0\n           AND NOT a.attisdropped\n           AND a.attname = colname\n    );\n', 'prosrc_c': '\n    SELECT EXISTS(\n        SELECT true\n          FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a\n         WHERE a.attrelid = tablename\n           AND a.attnum > 0\n           AND NOT a.attisdropped\n           AND a.attname = colname\n    );\n', 'pronamespace': 19700, 'prolang': 14, 'procost': '100', 'prorows': '0', 'prokind': 'f', 'prosecdef': False, 'proleakproof': False, 'proisstrict': False, 'proretset': False, 'provolatile': 'v', 'proparallel': 'u', 'pronargs': 2, 'prorettype': 16, 'proallargtypes': None, 'proargmodes': None, 'probin': None, 'proacl': None, 'proname': 'column_exists', 'name': 'column_exists', 'prorettypename': 'boolean', 'typnsp': 'pg_catalog', 'lanname': 'sql', 'proargnames': ['tablename', 'colname'], 'proargtypenames': 'regclass, name', 'proargdefaultvals': None, 'pronargdefaults': 0, 'proconfig': None, 'funcowner': 'pvz', 'description': None, 'prosupportfunc': '', 'seclabels': [], 'arguments': [{'argid': 0, 'argtype': 'regclass', 'argmode': 'IN', 'argname': 'tablename', 'argdefval': ''}, {'argid': 1, 'argtype': 'name', 'argmode': 'IN', 'argname': 'colname', 'argdefval': ''}], 'proargs': 'IN tablename regclass, IN colname  name', 'acl': [], 'sysfunc': False, 'sysproc': False, 'variables': []}
2021-10-25 07:17:53,975: DEBUG  pgadmin:    Schema Diff: Target Dict: {'oid': 37561, 'xmin': '6007', 'proiswindow': False, 'prosrc': '\n    SELECT EXISTS(\n        SELECT true\n          FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a \n         WHERE a.attrelid = tablename\n           AND a.attnum > 0\n           AND NOT a.attisdropped\n           AND a.attname = colname\n    );\n', 'prosrc_c': '\n    SELECT EXISTS(\n        SELECT true\n          FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a \n         WHERE a.attrelid = tablename\n           AND a.attnum > 0\n           AND NOT a.attisdropped\n           AND a.attname = colname\n    );\n', 'pronamespace': 19664, 'prolang': 14, 'procost': '100', 'prorows': '0', 'prokind': 'f', 'prosecdef': False, 'proleakproof': False, 'proisstrict': False, 'proretset': False, 'provolatile': 'v', 'proparallel': 'u', 'pronargs': 2, 'prorettype': 16, 'proallargtypes': None, 'proargmodes': None, 'probin': None, 'proacl': None, 'proname': 'column_exists', 'name': 'column_exists', 'prorettypename': 'boolean', 'typnsp': 'pg_catalog', 'lanname': 'sql', 'proargnames': ['tablename', 'colname'], 'proargtypenames': 'regclass, name', 'proargdefaultvals': None, 'pronargdefaults': 0, 'proconfig': None, 'funcowner': 'pvz', 'description': None, 'prosupportfunc': '', 'seclabels': [], 'arguments': [{'argid': 0, 'argtype': 'regclass', 'argmode': 'IN', 'argname': 'tablename', 'argdefval': ''}, {'argid': 1, 'argtype': 'name', 'argmode': 'IN', 'argname': 'colname', 'argdefval': ''}], 'proargs': 'IN tablename regclass, IN colname  name', 'acl': [], 'sysfunc': False, 'sysproc': False, 'variables': []}
2021-10-25 07:17:53,977: DEBUG  pgadmin:    Schema Diff: Object name: 'column_exists', Source Value: '
        SELECT true
          FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
         WHERE a.attrelid = tablename
           AND a.attnum > 0
           AND NOT a.attisdropped
           AND a.attname = colname
', Target Value: '
        SELECT true
          FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a 
         WHERE a.attrelid = tablename
           AND a.attnum > 0
           AND NOT a.attisdropped
           AND a.attname = colname
', Key: 'prosrc'

2021-10-25 07:17:54,740: DEBUG  pgadmin:    Schema Diff: Source Dict: {'oid': 21860, 'name': 'foreign_key_meta_info', 'is_collatable': False, 'type_acl': None, 'oid-2': 21860, 'typname': 'foreign_key_meta_info', 'typnamespace': 19700, 'typowner': 16390, 'typlen': -1, 'typbyval': False, 'typtype': 'c', 'typcategory': 'C', 'typispreferred': False, 'typisdefined': True, 'typdelim': ',', 'typrelid': 21858, 'typelem': 0, 'typarray': 21859, 'typinput': 'record_in', 'typoutput': 'record_out', 'typreceive': 'record_recv', 'typsend': 'record_send', 'typmodin': '-', 'typmodout': '-', 'typanalyze': '-', 'typalign': 'd', 'typstorage': 'x', 'typnotnull': False, 'typbasetype': 0, 'typtypmod': -1, 'typndims': 0, 'typcollation': 0, 'typdefaultbin': None, 'typdefault': None, 'typacl': [], 'alias': 'tools.foreign_key_meta_info', 'typeowner': 'pvz', 'element': None, 'description': None, 'taboid': None, 'schema': 'tools', 'seclabels': None, 'is_sys_type': False, 'member_list': 'schema name COLLATE pg_catalog."C", table name COLLATE pg_catalog."C", name name COLLATE pg_catalog."C"', 'composite': [{'attnum': 1, 'member_name': 'schema', 'type': 'name', 'collation': 'pg_catalog."C"', 'cltype': 'name', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'name'}, {'attnum': 2, 'member_name': 'table', 'type': 'name', 'collation': 'pg_catalog."C"', 'cltype': 'name', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'name'}, {'attnum': 3, 'member_name': 'name', 'type': 'name', 'collation': 'pg_catalog."C"', 'cltype': 'name', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'name'}]}
2021-10-25 07:17:54,740: DEBUG  pgadmin:    Schema Diff: Target Dict: {'oid': 38704, 'name': 'foreign_key_meta_info', 'is_collatable': False, 'type_acl': None, 'oid-2': 38704, 'typname': 'foreign_key_meta_info', 'typnamespace': 19664, 'typowner': 16387, 'typlen': -1, 'typbyval': False, 'typtype': 'c', 'typcategory': 'C', 'typispreferred': False, 'typisdefined': True, 'typdelim': ',', 'typrelid': 38702, 'typelem': 0, 'typarray': 38703, 'typinput': 'record_in', 'typoutput': 'record_out', 'typreceive': 'record_recv', 'typsend': 'record_send', 'typmodin': '-', 'typmodout': '-', 'typanalyze': '-', 'typalign': 'd', 'typstorage': 'x', 'typnotnull': False, 'typbasetype': 0, 'typtypmod': -1, 'typndims': 0, 'typcollation': 0, 'typdefaultbin': None, 'typdefault': None, 'typacl': [], 'alias': 'tools.foreign_key_meta_info', 'typeowner': 'pvz', 'element': None, 'description': None, 'taboid': None, 'schema': 'tools', 'seclabels': None, 'is_sys_type': False, 'member_list': 'schema name COLLATE pg_catalog."C", table name COLLATE pg_catalog."C", name name COLLATE pg_catalog."C"', 'composite': [{'attnum': 1, 'member_name': 'schema', 'type': 'name', 'collation': 'pg_catalog."C"', 'cltype': 'name', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'name'}, {'attnum': 2, 'member_name': 'table', 'type': 'name', 'collation': 'pg_catalog."C"', 'cltype': 'name', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'name'}, {'attnum': 3, 'member_name': 'name', 'type': 'name', 'collation': 'pg_catalog."C"', 'cltype': 'name', 'tlength': None, 'precision': None, 'is_tlength': False, 'is_precision': False, 'hasSqrBracket': False, 'fulltype': 'name'}]}
2021-10-25 07:17:54,742: DEBUG  pgadmin:    Schema Diff: Object name: 'foreign_key_meta_info', Source Value: '16390', Target Value: '16387', Key: 'typowner'

dpage commented 2 years ago

Image migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-10-25 08:58:37 UTC.


Filename: Preferences.png

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-10-25 09:00:20 UTC.

Hi Franz

What is the value of "Ignore owner" and "Ignore whitespaces" in the Preferences -> Schema Diff -> Display? It should be set to true if you would like to ignore the owner and whitespaces in the function.

Redmine ticket header update:

Name Old Value New Value
Assigned To changed Franz-Josef Färber
Attachment added Preferences.png
dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Franz-Josef Färber at 2021-10-28 09:27:03 UTC.

Ignore Owner and Ignore Whitespaces are both false.

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Franz-Josef Färber at 2021-10-28 09:28:21 UTC.

You needn't send me a screenshot describing how to find that in the preferences. I am able to find that with the textual description, too ;-)

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-10-28 09:37:28 UTC.

Then set those parameters to True and compare the databases/schemas again.

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Franz-Josef Färber at 2021-10-28 10:46:57 UTC.

OK, I now have begun debugging myself:

In case #1 of schema tablefunc, the JSON shows different owners (by name, as opposed to #2). BUT THE SCHEMA DIFF TOOL SHOULD SUGGEST AN "ALTER xy OWNER TO xz" STATEMENT, WHICH IT DOES NOT. I again strongly suggest you to add kind of assertions to your program code that when the schema diff lists DB objects as different but your source and target SQL are identical, SOMETHING IS DEEPLY WRONG with your software.

In case #2 of type "meldung", the typowner oids are different, but their names in pg_authid are identical. The role names should get compared, not the role ids.

In case #3, there is a minimal whitespace variation. One space after line "FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a". My fault.

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-10-28 11:42:58 UTC.

Franz-Josef Färber wrote:

OK, I now have begun debugging myself:

In case #1 of schema tablefunc, the JSON shows different owners (by name, as opposed to #2). BUT THE SCHEMA DIFF TOOL SHOULD SUGGEST AN "ALTER xy OWNER TO xz" STATEMENT, WHICH IT DOES NOT. I again strongly suggest you to add kind of assertions to your program code that when the schema diff lists DB objects as different but your source and target SQL are identical, SOMETHING IS DEEPLY WRONG with your software.

That's what we are trying to identify and fix the issue for the betterment of the software.

In case #2 of type "meldung", the typowner oids are different, but their names in pg_authid are identical. The role names should get compared, not the role ids.

In the above case we already have below logic to ignore typowner: if ignore_owner: owner_keys = ['owner', 'eventowner', 'funcowner', 'fdwowner', 'fsrvowner', 'lanowner', 'relowner', 'seqowner', 'typowner', 'typeowner'] ignore_keys = ignore_keys + owner_keys

We are not able to reproduce this issue,

In case #3, there is a minimal whitespace variation. One space after line "FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a". My fault.

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-10-28 11:46:51 UTC.

Hi Franz

Can we have a screen-sharing session or have a zoom call to identify the issue?

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Franz-Josef Färber at 2021-10-28 16:32:25 UTC.

Can we have a screen-sharing session or have a zoom call to identify the issue? Yes. I am working in UTC+1 time zone from about 8:00 to 18:00 (with breaks).


case #1: Is pgadmin's fault, do you agree?

case #2: I DO NOT want to ignore the owner. When "ignore owner" is off, I expect pgadmin to treat the owners as equal. As I already said, the owners' "names in pg_authid are identical." , just happen to have different oids (because they reside on different DBs). Do you agree?

case #3: My fault.

I again strongly suggest you to add kind of assertions to your program code that when the schema diff lists DB objects as different but your source and target SQL are identical, SOMETHING IS DEEPLY WRONG with your software.

That's what we are trying to identify and fix the issue for the betterment of the software.

Well, you still don't seem to consider my suggestion. You aren't even relating to it in your answer.

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-11-26 12:03:12 UTC.

Hi Franz

How we can connect to check the issue? Maybe Zoom call?

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Franz-Josef Färber at 2021-11-29 08:18:44 UTC.

My employer's webex video chat would be possible for me. I am in UTF-1 time zone.

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Franz-Josef Färber at 2021-11-29 08:19:09 UTC.

Ah sorry, UTC-1 time zone :-D

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-12-03 05:55:59 UTC.

Hi Franz

I am in UTC+05:30 time zone, whenever you will be free to show the issue, send me the Webex link

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Franz-Josef Färber at 2021-12-07 07:42:20 UTC.

Hello Akshay, sorry for my late reply. I'm quite busy currently. The thing is, I have to prepare the database beforehand. Is today 10:00 UTC+1 okay, this is in about 1 hour. Can I have your email so that I can send the webex link?

Thank you in advance for your time.

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-12-07 07:58:08 UTC.

Hi Franz

My email id is

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Franz-Josef Färber at 2021-12-07 08:41:53 UTC.

Thank you, E-Mail is on the way. Do get irritated, my business E-Mail address is .

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Franz-Josef Färber at 2021-12-07 08:42:13 UTC.

DO NOT get irritated, I meant.

dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-12-07 10:07:53 UTC.

Redmine ticket header update:

Name Old Value New Value
Sprint changed EDB Sprint 105
Assigned To changed Franz-Josef Färber Akshay Joshi
Status changed New In Progress
dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-12-08 10:34:39 UTC.

Redmine ticket header update:

Name Old Value New Value
Sprint changed EDB Sprint 105 EDB Sprint 106
dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-12-11 16:41:27 UTC.

Applied in changeset commit:bd545fd5b25990afa4d894e0c4dcff5a1b823197.

Redmine ticket header update:

Name Old Value New Value
Done Ratio changed 0 90
Status changed In Progress In Testing
dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Akshay Joshi at 2021-12-11 16:42:47 UTC.

Redmine ticket header update:

Name Old Value New Value
Fixed Version changed 6.3
dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Yogesh Mahajan at 2021-12-15 07:42:29 UTC.

Redmine ticket header update:

Name Old Value New Value
Assigned To changed Akshay Joshi Yogesh Mahajan
dpage commented 2 years ago

Comment migrated from Redmine: Originally created by Yogesh Mahajan at 2021-12-16 10:38:22 UTC.

Working fine. Issue was due to same user name but different oid as both servers were on different machines.

Redmine ticket header update:

Name Old Value New Value
Status changed In Testing Resolved
dpage commented 2 years ago

Issue closed on Redmine.